Well-Known Member
Hillary in a wheelchair is better than Trump.
FDR did fairly well.
The Internet did not exist when FDR was President.
No way we elect a wheelchair bound President in today's world.
Hillary in a wheelchair is better than Trump.
FDR did fairly well.
The Internet did not exist when FDR was President.
No way we elect a wheelchair bound President in today's world.
Rumors: Pictures apparently showing Clinton squeezing the woman's fingers also revived much derided rumors that Clinton is suffering from Parkinson's disease
Friends of Hillary say she has Parkinson’s
Friends of Hillary say she has Parkinson's
'Stage 3' of neuro-degenerative disease
NEW YORK – Hillary Clinton has stage-three Parkinson’s disease and suffers from seizures, according to three sources who have had a personal relationship with the Democratic Party presidential nominee.
The sources, who spoke to WND on condition of anonymity, explained that her seizures or dizzy spells can be triggered by being out in the sun, such as apparently occurred Sunday when she was videoed collapsing as she was escorted into her limousine in New York City.
After the episode Sunday, the Clinton campaign announced she had been diagnosed on Friday with pneumonia.
However, images captured at the 9/11 memorial Sunday showed Clinton apparently being asked by a medical professional to squeeze her fingers, a test that would indicate she suffers from a neurological disease such as Parkinson’s.
Meanwhile, a Republican state legislator in New Hampshire said Monday he believes Clinton has Parkinson’s.
Daniel Tamburello commented on his Facebook page that his father had Parkinson’s, and he noted pneumonia is common among sufferers of the neuro-degenerative disease.
which space alien , we have more than just one race competing for this world ?Is WND World News Daily? If so, what a credible source. And, imagine a Republican lawmaker saying bad things about her.
A space alien told me today that Trump is actually one of them, and that they will take over the world one country at a time.
which space alien , we have more than just one race competing for this world ?
Very weal response.Trump is a Manchurian candidate representing Russia and the planet Zorg. The tip-off that he is an alien is the hair and the bobby-pins, which are actually antenna's so the Zorg high command and Putin can instruct Trump what to say.
Very weal response.
I thought you were more creative.
The super rich don't go to the ER with the deplorables.Trump is plenty creative for all of us, just like those bogus health stats he showed Oz. I think Hillary is also lying BTW. Nobody that important just faints without a trip to the hospital, paramedics etc. Nobody was surprised on her team when she dropped like a rock.
If it were you, wouldn't you want to go to the ER?
Dr. Babbage Ganja, did you come up with that diagnosis on your own? Or should you quote a source for that assumption?Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Progressive supranuclear palsy, or PSP, is a rare neurodegenerative disease that is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson's disease because its symptoms are similar. Because of its rarity, PSP is mostly unknown by the general public.
PSP develops because of the deterioration of brain cells in a few small but very important areas at the base of the brain. The most important affected area is the substantia nigra. When this area of the brain is affected by the disease, a lot of the palsy's symptoms become more visible.
The beginning stages of PSP include the inability to walk, falling spells, and stiffness. Falls experienced by a PSP patient are often described as having a state of dizziness, prior to actually falling. This dizziness description is sometimes misdiagnosed as an inner ear problem or a hardening of the arteries that are blocking blood flow to the brain.
The word "progressive" was included in the palsy's name, because symptoms typically progressively worsen for a patient. After seven to nine years, PSP becomes more difficult to deal with. The disease usually causes physical imbalance and stiffness of the body to grow worse, making walking very difficult or sometimes impossible.
Problems with eyesight also occur in the later stages of PSP. Usually, visual problems can become as much of an issue as impaired walking for the patient. Eyesight is most affected by the difficulty to aim the eye properly, making reading very hard. Another eyesight problem that is sometimes encountered is the inability to maintain visual contact with another person during conversation. PSP can also cause "tunnel vision," which sometimes causes problems while a person is trying to drive a car.
Most PSP patients eventually experience a mild to moderate degree of mental problems. The slowing of thoughts and thinking makes it hard for the person to hold a conversation with others or to analyze problems.
There is no cure for PSP. Care should be focused on keeping the person comfortable and creating the best quality of life possible.
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
The super rich don't go to the ER with the deplorables.
I kind of liked her calling the deplorables what they were. Millions of white trash trailer park dwellers had to look up what "deplorables" meant, tearing themselves away from Judge Judy. Most of them thought they were unwanted immigrants from the country of Deplore.