Hillary Clinton most likely suffers from advanced Parkinsons disease...


Well-Known Member
I kind of liked her calling the deplorables what they were. Millions of white trash trailer park dwellers had to look up what "deplorables" meant, tearing themselves away from Judge Judy. Most of them thought they were unwanted immigrants from the country of Deplore.

Ironically I am sitting here on my break watching Judge Judy.


Engorged Member
Have you considered what country you will move to in the event of a President Trump?

Oh thats right, Fred doesn't pay you enough to move that far. I guess you will just have to stick it out with the rest of us. ;)

What would America be like if your candidate gets elected? You might be wanting to move too.

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
It surprises me how political this cite us.Who in the world cares what all these strangers in brown cafe think. Who will change their views. If America. Vote for who you wont. I don't give a damn which way you vote. It's America. We have poor choices, maybe very very poor, b uh t dang man. vote who you think will do best. If you want 4 more years of Obama, vote Hilary. If you won't the unknown, vote Trump. I really don't care what other people think. Or care.


Strength through joy
It surprises me how political this cite us.Who in the world cares what all these strangers in brown cafe think. Who will change their views. If America. Vote for who you wont. I don't give a damn which way you vote. It's America. We have poor choices, maybe very very poor, b uh t dang man. vote who you think will do best. If you want 4 more years of Obama, vote Hilary. If you won't the unknown, vote Trump. I really don't care what other people think. Or care.
Yes you do or you wouldn't have posted here.


Engorged Member
So we can infer, ironically, of course, that you are white trash?

Can a UPS driver making $34 per hour be white trash? I've seen pics of Dave's house, so maybe they're fakes and he really lives in a van and drinks Budweiser while watching Jerry Springer. Got to know who the Baby Daddy is.


Inordinately Right
Did you miss the part where the doctor said Hillary was fit to be the POTUS while she is on so many mind altering drugs ?
Heck in the real world Hillary couldn't be elected dog catcher with all those drugs in her system .
It was a poorly written, presumptuous, and rambling attempt at a hit piece.
It offered no new information, just poor assumptions that border on flat out making things up.

You know how you can tell it's total garbage? The writer wouldn't even put his real name on it, it's some made up pen name. Come on man, why do you read this crap, much less spread it around?


Inordinately Right
You know why he didn't put his real name on it... right?

He would himself then become the "hit piece".:biggrin:


Nine Lives
It surprises me how political this cite us.Who in the world cares what all these strangers in brown cafe think. Who will change their views. If America. Vote for who you wont. I don't give a damn which way you vote. It's America. We have poor choices, maybe very very poor, b uh t dang man. vote who you think will do best. If you want 4 more years of Obama, vote Hilary. If you won't the unknown, vote Trump. I really don't care what other people think. Or care.
I don't even care!