Hit branch cracked side window mirror


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
So I’m a new driver only 5 days in this Saturday I was pulling over to make stop and pulled close to the sidewalk to get out of the way of traffic as far as I could. A branch pushed in the side mirror and cracked the side window and broke the top mirror glass. My sup told me to put Ok in the DVIR and didn’t make it seem like to big of a deal but I’m in my qualifying period and I’m scared I will get disqualified. Will this be charged as an accident? And if so shouldn’t they had me fill out an report that day?
Stuff like that, just stop by the shop and get a new piece of glass. Happens all the time.


Well-Known Member
Reminds me of my first day alone during peak. I drove too close to one of those school bus onings and tore a plastic chunk off the roof of my U-Haul and you could see it sticking up off the roof if you looked up from the ground.

Lucky for me my next stop was a tires shop so I asked one of the mechanics for pliers and climbed on the roof and cut that :censored2: off. One of them even got on and helped me LOL. Made sure I gave them boys good service through the rest of peak.
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The truth never changes.
If y
So I’m a new driver only 5 days in this Saturday I was pulling over to make stop and pulled close to the sidewalk to get out of the way of traffic as far as I could. A branch pushed in the side mirror and cracked the side window and broke the top mirror glass. My sup told me to put Ok in the DVIR and didn’t make it seem like to big of a deal but I’m in my qualifying period and I’m scared I will get disqualified. Will this be charged as an accident? And if so shouldn’t they had me fill out an report that day?
If you get thru your qualifying period without hearing anything else it'll be too late for them to do anything about it.
Keep your mouth shut and drive/park at a speed that you can control the variables and miss the fixed objects.
In other words SLOW DOWN until you're used to the whole job... inside and out of the truck.
Made sure I gave them boys good service through the rest of peak.
How many of them boys were there?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you lucked out. I’ve heard of new drivers being DQ’d for breaking a mirror. Then again they can DQ you simply because they don’t like you while in that 30 day qualification period. If you’re killing the route I can see why your supe would bury this minor incident. Just keep working hard and forget about it.


Well-Known Member
I had an accident where my truck was already parked and I was across the street delivering to a house. Some old lady pull out of her drive way in reverse and made a sharp turn which hit the front of my vehicle. Called the center manager and nothing came about it. Told me to keep working. I was still on probation that time.

If you center needs drivers or they like your attitude they'll pull strings themselves to keep you usually.


The truth never changes.
I had an accident where my truck was already parked and I was across the street delivering to a house. Some old lady pull out of her drive way in reverse and made a sharp turn which hit the front of my vehicle. Called the center manager and nothing came about it. Told me to keep working. I was still on probation that time.

If you center needs drivers or they like your attitude they'll pull strings themselves to keep you usually.
Same thing happened to one of our senior drivers, two houses down, on the other side of the street, and he was charged with it.
Situational ethics abound.


Well-Known Member
Happened to me a couple weeks ago. Bracket was suuuper loose. Hit a branch on a county road around 10mph and it was enough to slam the mirror into the widow and crack it. Told sup he said who cares.


Sounds like a sup is risking his job for you to keep yours. You must need drivers bad, should of said you were tucking it and pulled to hard lol


Well-Known Member
I don't know the specifics of the contract but if you were DQ because of an accident while on probation you should be DQ on the spot and not allowed to continue work that day.

Continuing work just because they have no one to cover for you just so you can come in the next day and and be DQ because of yesterday is incredibly stupid. It happen to one of our rookie drivers.

If figure a driver should be able to use incidents like these as leverage against the center manager especially if he was the one that told him to continue working.