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While not acquiescing that there were any "rogue locals" recently; I would purpose an impartial, multi-regional mediation/arbitration system, triggered by a defined number of failed membership approval attempts on any regional or local supplement, rider or addendum.So what would the amendment be? 12/6 is there for a reason. What if a rogue local flat out decided nothing was good enough
I purpose it be spelled out specifically, in plain English, verses the vague, well hidden, one sentence trap door verbiage of Art 12 sec 6.
This would be much more fair than the biased, rubber stamp General EBoard we have imposing contracts these days.
Had the powers that be had a crystal ball and could see what is taking place now, at the time Hoffa Sr realized his goal of the first national contract, there very well may have never been a national contract in the Teamsters Union.Should then national contracts not be allowed?
That's how important local autonomy was then, and still is now.
Autonomy is being crapped on through a maze of deception, half truths and collusion.
Article 12 sec 6 of the IBT Constitution must be amended next summer.