You saying it works does not make it so.
Are you looking at porn all the time?
You keep bringing it up.
It's a running joke in the computer world. (especially amongst technicians)
People running Microsoft Windows.... that have problems opening links, viewing pictures,
losing files, and other general problems, can be traced back to malware and viruses.
Usually the affliction, comes from viewing unscrupulous (porn) sites.
You didn't miss anything.
Just Bubble.... being a BubbleHead.
The debates on this thread are rediculous.
They aren't even debates.
From one side, it's just emotional posturing.
If Teamsters spent more time focusing on common ground like " fair trade" and " Right to work" we would actually be the strongest Union in North America as its states on the IBT website.
Too bad.... the majority (of members) can't even be bothered.
The convention is a long way off
And watch how many "fade" in their enthusiasm, between now and then.
Just say'n....