10 point
Well-Known Member
I think it's more like the Brown Scouts motto: "Expect the unexpected".When you retire, you relinquish membership in the Union and any rights associated with it.
To say you should still have a voice.... well you do.
Most (if not all) Locals, have retiree "clubs" and are certainly welcome at monthly meetings.
What Local wouldn't listen to retiree concerns ?
But, to say retirees should still have a right to vote in Elections....
Would be akin to losing money gambling at the casino, then asking for a "do over".
That's not a great analogy, but you can see my point.
Great way to get involved.
Retirement, is a choice.
Just like the old motto of the Boy Scouts....
"Always be prepared"
Just start driving when you're 40. Problem solved. Maybe.You can only drive a package car for so long before the body gives out.
I have only seen 1 package car driver make it to 62 before they retired. Most go out in their late 50's because their bodies are so beat up, they can't continue driving.
So sometimes it's not a choice.