Where do you come up with this stuff? Hall not listening to any of our brothers? Beyond healthcare, this contract was a slam dunk everywhere. Thats been said all over this forum.
Am I ok with Hoffa/Hall not addressing the troops? Yes. Did you not know the ramifications of NO vote? I love how people can have an uprising, change the dynamic of a contract and then complain that we aren't running back to the table. Do you think UPS is the only barn they deal with? Talk about being a selfish union brother. Do you even know why they keep our contract out of the limelight?
But look on the bright side, at least people get to keep their healthcare a few months longer.
This contract is riddled with concessions, aside from healthcare being reduced for those with superior benefits instead of those with less being brought up.
The part timers have once again been left behind.
New hires won't receive the same inadequate wage increases as the rest of the part time employees.
A 4 year progression? It was 2 years before the last contract.
9.5 language has gotten progressively weaker and hasn't improved.
We have heard countless stories of drivers on the 9.5 list that are being paid the penalty rather than being dispatched properly.
It's obvious that the company doesn't mind paying an extra 1/2 time for an hour or two rather than hire more drivers.
In the Central Region, language has been added to give the company flexibility to use part timers to deliver ground packages.
An already vague and damaging discipline article, 17i, has been partially defined giving the company the right to discharge employees for what they consider to be "safety violations" without as much as a warning.
I don't see a slam dunk for anybody but the company and the desperate for participants Central States Healthcare Fund.