Just look ahead in 2023, what is going to change to get those 117,000 so called members to vote. Would it be fair to state that probably 75% of those non-voters are part timers with less than a year in, fact is that most of them will not be around in another 5 years to vote on the next one. The threshold of that coveted 50% voter participation will never be met with the constant turnover and hiring the new ones at a minimum wage. Seriously 15.50 in 2023 and you expect these newbies to think of their future with this company or get involved with anything to with Union Business, they couldn't even find the time of 5 minutes of their precious phone time to send in a vote.
Maybe it is time to set up two separate contracts one for full timers and one for part timers. The next one will be over the (PENSION) and (HEALTH AND WELFARE), am I not the only one who sees this coming, are we going to permit some young transient, uninformed part timer vote or (not vote) on issues that we been fighting over for decades and have vested our whole lives into. It is come down to that...
Those of us that have worked for this company and been paying full member dues to our union for decades should have a bigger vote or say, otherwise it will be the same story in 2023.