I was aware myself that the language part of the agreement was going to take place as of January 1st, 2008. I was first clued into this by the highly questionable loose language in Article 34 of the Master, with regards to part-timers medical.
We, for those of us that showed up, were told at our union meeting, that the language part would start in January and the economics would start in August.
When I was questioned on how I felt by the contract by management at work, it was I who had to explain to them that the language alone would be initiated in January. Of course I believe that this act of not knowing was a cleaver rouse in order for them to sell to the part-timers that the economics would start then too.
My night manager said he thought that we would be getting half of that tentative new raise starting this January, and didn’t know what everyone was bitching about as far as the split. Either he is extremely stupid, or he was using this mock understanding as a means to misinform the part-timers about the raises.
So as far as I am concerned, no, I don’t believe enough is being done by our Union to make this understood.
We are clearly on our own.
The Voice