How can thousands of children cross the border.....


Well-Known Member
Incorrect. The GOP had nothing to do with that person's decision to make a baby. That is an issue of personal responsibility. People should learn there are consequences of actions so don't expect others to pay for their personal irresponsibility. Once that person creates a baby then they should not expect others to pay for them to end a life.
WRong. That person wants to terminate "Their" pregnancy but you won't let them so you pay for it. You want the child born to a mother who doesn't want pay for it. If not then you pay for when the time comes it gets to prison. Your choice.


All Trash No Trailer
Pope Francis: Immigrant Children Must Be 'Welcomed And Protected'

Pope Francis confronted the "racist and xenophobic attitudes" that often face undocumented immigrants by addressing the thousands of unaccompanied childrenincluded in their ranks.

In a message delivered to the Mexico-Holy See Colloquium on Migration and Development on Monday, the pope drew attention to these migrant children who he said often undertake the dangerous border crossing alone in order to escape violence in their home countries:

"This humanitarian emergency requires, as a first urgent measure, these children be welcomed and protected. These measures, however, will not be sufficient, unless they are accompanied by policies that inform people about the dangers of such a journey and, above all, that promote development in their countries of origin."

Pope Francis noted the urgency of this predicament, saying that the numbers of migrant children "are increasing day by day." U.S. Customs and Border Protectionreports that more than 50,000 unaccompanied migrant children have crossed the Southwest border so far in 2014.

While Pope Francis delivered his message, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin spoke at Mexico's Foreign Relations Secretariat and urged clergy and foreign ministers to protect young migrants.

"Whether they travel for reasons of poverty, violence or the hope of uniting with families on the other side of the border," Parolin said, "it is urgent to protect and assist them, because their frailty is greater and they're defenseless, they're at the mercy of any abuse or misfortune."

The cardinal reiterated the Vatican's support for this cause, saying, "The church will always support at the national and international level any initiative directed at the adoption of correct policies."

Outside of the church, though, the pope also called for the international community to take steps toward finding a humanitarian solution to the immigration crisis.

"This challenge demands the attention of the entire international community so that new forms of legal and secure migration may be adopted."

On Sunday Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Matthews Burwell met privately with dozens of governors of states that will host thousands of unaccompanied migrant children from Central America. The program, initiated by the Obama administration, will go into effect in October and aims to tackle the growing influx of child migrants.

"We want to make sure they're placed in a safe and supportive home or placement," Burwell said, "but also, it should be somebody that is legal and somebody that will be responsible to see that they show up for the hearing."


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
WRong. That person wants to terminate "Their" pregnancy but you won't let them so you pay for it. You want the child born to a mother who doesn't want pay for it. If not then you pay for when the time comes it gets to prison. Your choice.
Ever hear of adoption?


nowhere special
New Obama Executive Action Plan on Amnesty: Bring Kids to U.S. Directly From Central America

With no plans to secure the border, President Obama is considering executive action without Congress to grant Hondurans amnesty and to set up a program to screen "refugees" in the country before green lighting them into the United States, cutting out the process of trekking through Mexico.

This plan contradicts initial claims by the administration children in the United States illegally will be sent back. Not only is the White House not stopping the flow of illegal alien children, they're planning to increase the number of unaccompanied children in the U.S. with President Obama's pen.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


golden ticket member
"Children" , per se, don't even know the meaning of the word 'asylum'. Ask a 10 yr old or younger what asylum is. You'll get blank stare.


Strength through joy
Coming soon to an airport near you ....Air Obama .
Direct flights from Central America to the USA full of approved refugees .
No longer will they have to be wasting their pesos to bribe any Mexican border guards, nor take a dangerous train ride north .
Air Obama will provide in flight movies full of instructions on how to apply for all the benefits that we citizens are willing to give away free.


Well-Known Member
New Obama Executive Action Plan on Amnesty: Bring Kids to U.S. Directly From Central America

With no plans to secure the border, President Obama is considering executive action without Congress to grant Hondurans amnesty and to set up a program to screen "refugees" in the country before green lighting them into the United States, cutting out the process of trekking through Mexico.

This plan contradicts initial claims by the administration children in the United States illegally will be sent back. Not only is the White House not stopping the flow of illegal alien children, they're planning to increase the number of unaccompanied children in the U.S. with President Obama's pen.

Similar plans have been proposed by several Republicans.

Does that change your calculus, or will you just slam our President at any given opportunity?

On a side note, at some point, there will be a Republican President.

If the Dems treat that future Prez like the 'Pubs have treated this Prez, I'll be so interested in your future responses.

Because, you know, it's not about politics, cough cough.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All this talk about Gov Perry sending the national guard to the border and the people round these parts thinking somehow thats gonna solve the problem at the border.

Well, turns out, the National Guards ONLY role will be to be OBSERVERS and will not have any stopping power WHATSOEVER!

All they will be allowed to do is call the border patrol and REPORT what they see.

What a crock.



Well-Known Member
All this talk about Gov Perry sending the national guard to the border and the people round these parts thinking somehow thats gonna solve the problem at the border.

Well, turns out, the National Guards ONLY role will be to be OBSERVERS and will not have any stopping power WHATSOEVER!

All they will be allowed to do is call the border patrol and REPORT what they see.

What a crock.


Is it? You don't find any value whatsoever in 1000 more sets of eyes on the ground?

"Weekend warriors" do not have the training necessary to deal with this kind of humanitarian crisis. The Border Patrol folks do; however, they do not have the resources to monitor every inch of the border.


nowhere special
All this talk about Gov Perry sending the national guard to the border and the people round these parts thinking somehow thats gonna solve the problem at the border.

Well, turns out, the National Guards ONLY role will be to be OBSERVERS and will not have any stopping power WHATSOEVER!

All they will be allowed to do is call the border patrol and REPORT what they see.

What a crock.


You are wrong as usual. If the federal government had sent in the National Guard then they could only be observers but that is not what happened, Perry sent them without Feds so he can grant them police powers.


Well-Known Troll
You are wrong as usual. If the federal government had sent in the National Guard then they could only be observers but that is not what happened, Perry sent them without Feds so he can grant them police powers.

The Texas National Guard cannot enforce Federal immigration laws, only Texas law. From your article:

"The ones due at the border next month will work side by side not with federal Border Patrol agents but with state police officers of the Department of Public Safety. They will not be able to enforce federal immigration laws but may be able to enforce state law. A 19th-century federal law that makes it a crime for military personnel to perform civilian law enforcement activities does not apply to state-duty troops.

...General Nichols said the troops would undergo training, and he described their mission as “referring and deterring” — having their presence on the border act as a deterrent and referring people who they suspect are illegal immigrants to state law enforcement officers."

Perry is doing nothing but pandering to extremists in his party and State, just like he has always done.


Engorged Member
All this talk about Gov Perry sending the national guard to the border and the people round these parts thinking somehow thats gonna solve the problem at the border.

Well, turns out, the National Guards ONLY role will be to be OBSERVERS and will not have any stopping power WHATSOEVER!

All they will be allowed to do is call the border patrol and REPORT what they see.

What a crock.


Value? Governor Perry got huge political mileage out of this!! Never mind that it is a hugely expensive waste of time. This is red meat to rabid Right Wingers, who are too ignorant to figure out they're getting played.


nowhere special
The Texas National Guard cannot enforce Federal immigration laws, only Texas law. From your article:

"The ones due at the border next month will work side by side not with federal Border Patrol agents but with state police officers of the Department of Public Safety. They will not be able to enforce federal immigration laws but may be able to enforce state law. A 19th-century federal law that makes it a crime for military personnel to perform civilian law enforcement activities does not apply to state-duty troops.

...General Nichols said the troops would undergo training, and he described their mission as “referring and deterring” — having their presence on the border act as a deterrent and referring people who they suspect are illegal immigrants to state law enforcement officers."

Perry is doing nothing but pandering to extremists in his party and State, just like he has always done.

When Gov. Rick Perry of Texas announced plans to deploy 1,000 National Guard troops to help with the border crisis, it came with a power unexpected by some. By deploying them himself rather than through Washington, he has the power to order the troops to make arrests and apprehensions, something Guard troops in past border deployments have been prohibited from doing.

Perry is sending them under state authority, not federal. And since Obama refused to do anything it was one of the few options available for Perry.