You must be kidding me, "this co is owned by the shareholders". Please this company , this greedy friend#$%^& company is RUN by a small board of out of touch corporate executives, who most likely ALSO sit on other corporate boards. All they care about is profits. They care nothing for the little people, the people making those profits for them and their shareholders (now there's a group of TRUELY ethical people, clueless to how those profits are created, that only are interested seeing their "investments" grow, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY).
You speak of "risk". Please. The men and women who go out there everyday in the cold and the heat, busting their a#$es , RISKING their own health and bodies- NOW THATS REAL RISK. Those conveniently hidden shareholders are clueless to risk. Don't you read the papers. It is these investors who take out special insurance to hedge against their bets , I mean "risks". Heads I win, tails I win!
Everyone of those shareholders should know EXACTLY how those profits are generated. And especially at WHO'S expense. Will that shareholder sleep well that night KNOWING that his neighbor just got laid off?? Or that due to "reduction of staff", his brother-in-law has been reduced down to only 4 1/2 hours a day
and is losing his house! But hey THAT'S OK my UPS stock portfolio just went up! Yippee!!
That's wrong, that's immoral, that's got to stop!