How do you achieve financial freedom?


Well-Known Member
I’d start with paying off my mortgage and not having asinine car payments. A 401k isn’t a retirement pension, it’s something that is supplemental. Worse off, wearing Velcro sneakers and eating Applebees senior citizen discount early bird special sucks, it sucks even more when your son or daughter has 6 figures in student loan debt because you didn’t start a college plan when they were born.


Well-Known Member
I’d start with paying off my mortgage and not having asinine car payments. A 401k isn’t a retirement pension, it’s something that is supplemental. Worse off, wearing Velcro sneakers and eating Applebees senior citizen discount early bird special sucks, it sucks even more when your son or daughter has 6 figures in student loan debt because you didn’t start a college plan when they were born.
Dang. Jugular


Well-Known Member
Best part of those crazy low rates from the past couple years means I am in no hurry to pay off my 2.25% mortgage when I can dump that money in investments.
I hope you didn’t fall for the refinance scam and you’re an actual first time homebuyer during the strong flu season we had a few years ago. But moving around money in other than 401, is a good idea.


Well-Known Member
I hope you didn’t fall for the refinance scam and you’re an actual first time homebuyer during the strong flu season we had a few years ago. But moving around money in other than 401, is a good idea.
Refi’d from adjustable. Didn’t take $ out like my friends, family and neighbors.