The last time I voted democrat or republican in a Presidential campaign was 1980', by the 90's I was done with the 2 parties completely and now I've just walked away from the whole contrived process.
IMO when you disconnect from the 2 ruling parties, their narratives and required loyalties disappear and you can just look at them for what they are and not be trapped by the rhetorical narratives they spin.
For all those words spun and spun to make us think there is a difference, when the actual process of governance takes place, it's all in and around the middle. The extremes on both sides get lots of language, mostly by opponents hurling them at each other for effect but when the ink is dry on the legislation and you look back in the real actions, the committee minutes are good places to look, then as history rolls by the truth of the backroom dealings come out, you realize that so little really separates these people in the first place.
How is it that the same economic interests pump billions of dollars into both sides, regardless of party we see the same similar faces coming out of private life into public life and across time regardless of party, the rhetoric rarely transforms to legislation yet we fight to the death as if it has? But the industries and interests of the people appointed from private life into public sure seem to do very well in the process. Who's pulling those strings to keep us locked into this illusion while they robbed the hen house? What? Where? When? Why? How? Who?
When I hear Obama called a marxists or communist on an issue, first place I go is to the marxist and communist websites to see what they are saying and more often than not, the critical critique of Obama is even more compelling than what the "conservatives" are dishing up. Same is true of republicans when they are called rightwing extremes, etc. I go to the paleo-conservative sites and again the critical critiques of the repubs are equally compelling reads.
While the middle controls the narrative under the illusion of difference, the so-called extremes are beginning to merge having realized on principle they agree far more than they differ and that the difference is really just about tactics. The desired destination however is often the same or very similar. It's no wonder that so-called progressive left websites like Counterpunch are as often to post op-eds by not just such principled folk of the left but paleo-conservatives and even the likes of anarchists/anti-state writers like Sheldon Richman or Kevin Carson. Or websites like LewRockwell will interview left/feminist Naomi Wolf or champion the writings of a Glenn Greenwald or even a Jeremy Scahill. Wolf even has championed dialogue with the Tea Party groups and has even spoken to several. So much for the myth that the left and right don't have some common values.
Once you break out from the narratives, it's like Humpty Dumpty and regardless of what the King's men do, they can never reconstruct Humpty Dumpty in your mind again.