There are things that I promised myself I'd do......and they still aren't done. There's not enough time when you are "doing nothing".
I must say that there is nothing I am not doing because I am working that I consider important or prioritize as high.
There are quite a few things I am not doing because I am working that I consider "nice to have" or prioritize as medium.
For instance - clean up my creek area where a 500 year flood messed it up, convert all mt old photos and negatives to digital format, Sleeping late does come to mind although not a high priority at this time.
There are many, many things I am not doing because I am working that I consider "could be done" or prioritize as low.
Change the oil myself in my vehicles, clear out the undergrowth on my property, fix that closet door that is not flush, clean out the clutter in the garage and basement