How old were you when you retired?


Well-Known Member
55 years old, with 35 years service. Been out now 1 year. You will miss the people..not the problems....and not the long hours either. UPS was financially good to me. But I served my time and now will start a new life.


golden ticket member
There is a great misunderstanding about being retired. To those of you who say "I couldn't stand to do nothing" you are so wrong. Retirement isn't about doing nothing--its about doing what you want to do. If your idea of a fun time is working 45-60 hours a week go for it. I would rather spend time with my Wife- Daughter- Grandkids- ride my Harley- fish-fly-travel-boat- go racing- have a lazy afternoon if I want- tinker in the shop-go have a beer with the guys at 3 in the afternoon if I want- work my little job mowing grass for the local townsip when I want to- torture the cat (he likes it I know) watch TV at 3 A.M. and not have to worry about waking up in time for work--etc- etc.-etc. Believe me you would find yourself alot busier after retiring than you would imagine.

There are things that I promised myself I'd do......and they still aren't done. There's not enough time when you are "doing nothing".


Nine Lives
There are things that I promised myself I'd do......and they still aren't done. There's not enough time when you are "doing nothing".

I must say that there is nothing I am not doing because I am working that I consider important or prioritize as high.

There are quite a few things I am not doing because I am working that I consider "nice to have" or prioritize as medium.
For instance - clean up my creek area where a 500 year flood messed it up, convert all mt old photos and negatives to digital format, Sleeping late does come to mind although not a high priority at this time.

There are many, many things I am not doing because I am working that I consider "could be done" or prioritize as low.
Change the oil myself in my vehicles, clear out the undergrowth on my property, fix that closet door that is not flush, clean out the clutter in the garage and basement


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to that "new life" starting in one year from now.
I was getting ready to say something along those same lines. Just enjoy your last year at UPS (you seem like you do enjoy your job) and when it's retirement time I'm sure you will enjoy it also. I don't see a very hard transition for you.
p.s. you will enjoy getting up when you want to.


Well-Known Member
The people I feel sorry for are the ones that absolutely hate to go to work everyday, and let me clarify I mean "hate" and "everyday".


Retired 23 years
The people I feel sorry for are the ones that absolutely hate to go to work everyday, and let me clarify I mean "hate" and "everyday".

I can't say I hated going to work---what I hated was dealing with people who would look you straight in the eye and lie to you or even worse just turn around, walk away and ignor you like that would make a problem go away. The 15 or 20 minutes before leaving the building in the morning and the 15 minutes at night always seemed like kindergarten to me. Not so much at night because most times management had gone home hours before.


Man of Great Wisdom
The chores I need to spend 3 hours on I do in an hour now. When I retire I can putz all day on a 1 hour project. I'll never be bored.


Well-Known Member
I can't say I hated going to work---what I hated was dealing with people who would look you straight in the eye and lie to you or even worse just turn around, walk away and ignor you like that would make a problem go away. The 15 or 20 minutes before leaving the building in the morning and the 15 minutes at night always seemed like kindergarten to me. Not so much at night because most times management had gone home hours before.
Points taken, however you don't sound like the kind of person that complained about everything. The ones I'm talking probally would not be happy anywhere they worked. They probally wouldn't be happy even being retired.


Nine Lives
I can't say I hated going to work---what I hated was dealing with people who would look you straight in the eye and lie to you or even worse just turn around, walk away and ignore you like that would make a problem go away. The 15 or 20 minutes before leaving the building in the morning and the 15 minutes at night always seemed like kindergarten to me. Not so much at night because most times management had gone home hours before.

Fortunately, I've been doing what I'm doing going on 20 years (some type/form of Project Management) so I don't expect much help. I just provide a status with risks and issues identified and run "directional change" through my management for their input and approval (maybe once every couple of weeks).
As with you, my management are working on a whole different set of issues and risks than I am so I understand they don't have time for me and I am OK with that. If there is a problem, it is my problem and I take care of it. I understand, as an hourly, you might not have that authority to take care of it.


Retired 23 years
Points taken, however you don't sound like the kind of person that complained about everything. The ones I'm talking probally would not be happy anywhere they worked. They probally wouldn't be happy even being retired.

You are correct---I did very little complaining. For the most part I just ignored them (two can play that game). I learned very early on that it was usless to argue with a brick wall.


Well-Known Member
You are correct---I did very little complaining. For the most part I just ignored them (two can play that game). I learned very early on that it was usless to argue with a brick wall.
Same here. I learned it did no good to argue with them. I would go out and do my best and if I had trouble I would give them a call. One buddy of mine (a 15 year driver) had a supervisor that would intentionally make him mad because he worked harder when he was upset. He would rant, rave and cuss then go out there and skip his lunch to get it done.


When UPS Was Fun
52 years old with 30 years. Twenty-seven FT & three years PT. I took the thirty and out at any age option. Retired June 29. So far so good.