How to Fire Fedex.


Well-Known Member
You couldn't make this up.
I have a story to tell, but before I do, have any of you ever heard of a contractor formally firing Fedex.
You gonna love this. When I'm finished a few on here will know who I am. Especially the : censored: contractors and managers I worked around.
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Well-Known Member
You couldn't make this up.
I have a story to tell, but before I do, have any of you ever heard of a contractor formally firing Fedex.
You gonna love this. When I'm finished a few on here will know who I am. Especially the :censored2: contractors and managers I worked around.

Sooooo what’s the story?
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Well-Known Member
You couldn't make this up.
I have a story to tell, but before I do, have any of you ever heard of a contractor formally firing Fedex.
You gonna love this. When I'm finished a few on here will know who I am. Especially the :censored2: contractors and managers I worked around.
What's the frequency Kenneth?
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Just a turd
giphy (3).gif

What a :censored2:ing thread teaser .


Well-Known Member
The question is, have any of you ever heard of a contractor officially firing Fedex?
I have. It was one of the best experiences ever. The TM gets a call around 6pm on a Thursday. I inform this #rick that we are coming to get all our trucks, you have been fired, we are terminating the agreement. The TM stutters back, I need that in writing, before he said another word I said check your email. I sent the formal letter to him as soon as he picked up the phone, I knew he couldn't do more than two things at a time.
The next part, well let's just say both assistant TM were there when we started taking out our resources, and got a full view of my A#s cheeks.
What is really interesting is what led up to this decision. More on that soon.
By now there may be a contractor that knows who I am, but I pretty confident all the contractors I knew couldn't read, so they wouldn't be on a site like this.
I have been advised not to go into to much detail because of legal matters, but I will tell you this;
The B*tches from Pittsburgh called the next morning wanting to meet, I said " We are never coming back to that shi$ hole". He responded no we aren't suggesting that, let's meet at a neutral location. I can't say where we met but we chose a place. Understand the reason we fired X were plenty, and they knew what they did on each front was damaging. This was called damage control. I will let you know what I told him, soon.


Well-Known Member
And yes. I’ve seen it happen. That person had his routes taken over and covered within a week. The person who took them over sold them after 3 months. Easiest 250k he ever made.


Staff member
Actually this is a situation I could see causing X problems. They treat contractors like crap but they want the high money investors. Possible that some such investors are simply able to write it off.