Hunter Biden is going DOWN!


Well-Known Member
Keep your enemies closer.
I don’t see how anyone could watch CNN, fox, MSNBC or any of the major network news. All of them ooze with slant.I am not talking about the opinion shows, you expect that from those, and I get a kick out of them and laugh if I ever have a chance to watch them which I rarely do.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Chris Hayes and Ari Melber on MSNBC so much better than all of Fox’s BS combined. Watch one segment of one of their shows and tell me it’s not 1,000% more thoughtful and professional and dare I say fair.


Retired 23 years
The Bush's never went "down"
The Clintons never went "down"
Trump never went "down"
The Bidens will never go "down"

Haven't you people realized yet that justice for them and justice for the likes of us is 2 different animals. The MOST you will see any of these POS get is a slap on the wrist.


Strength through joy
I have stated in the past , that should I be arrested, I want to be treated the same as an illegal immigrant is.
Now I want to be treated like Hunter Biden.