Hunter Biden is going DOWN!


Least Best Moderator
Staff member


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge


Strength through joy
  • can reveal Hunter Biden's reckless driving history through photos he took himself and uploaded to his abandoned laptop
  • Hunter took a photo from behind the wheel of his Porsche going 172mph while on his way to Las Vegas to party with prostitutes in 2018
  • He crashed a rental car in Palm Springs and lied about the accident to his insurer in 2016 while on a 12-day bender


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
  • can reveal Hunter Biden's reckless driving history through photos he took himself and uploaded to his abandoned laptop
  • Hunter took a photo from behind the wheel of his Porsche going 172mph while on his way to Las Vegas to party with prostitutes in 2018
  • He crashed a rental car in Palm Springs and lied about the accident to his insurer in 2016 while on a 12-day bender
He is the biggest POS in America

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Ok Donnie . You got something to back that claim or is it just another one of you evidence free conspiracy theories?

"How Reuters researched and reported Slavery's Descendants"



Well-Known Member

"How Reuters researched and reported Slavery's Descendants"

Are you saying that Dear Leader is qualified to be president solely on the basis that he is not a direct descendent of slave owners?


Well-Known Member
People should only be judged on what they have done, not for what their ancestors did. Pointing out the dirt in other peoples family lines is a bad look.


Inordinately Right
Ok Donnie . You got something to back that claim or is it just another one of you evidence free conspiracy theories?
Are you saying that Dear Leader is qualified to be president solely on the basis that he is not a direct descendent of slave owners?
So you called him a conspiracy theorist.
Then when proof was provided to you, you completely deflected with a strawman.

Sounds like you owe him an apology.


Well-Known Member
So you called him a conspiracy theorist.
Then when proof was provided to you, you completely deflected with a strawman.

Sounds like you owe him an apology.
He’s the direct descendant of a draft dodger and a KKK sympathizer, who discriminated against Blacks and was sued for it by the US government.