Hunter Biden is going DOWN!

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
He’s the direct descendant of a draft dodger and a KKK sympathizer, who discriminated against Blacks and was sued for it by the US government.
Would you rather be a descendant of a guy like that or a slaveholder?
Those whose forefathers may have owned slaves is much different.

Why is it much different?

Those whose forefathers may have owned slaves is much different.

What about you? which would you rather be?

As someone who has Confederate ancestors I’d prefer to be a descendant of a plain old racist, as you’re seeming to describe him.


Well-Known Member
Those whose forefathers may have owned slaves is much different.

What about you? which would you rather be?
What I wouldn't be is a virtue signaling, self flagellating, walking, talking caricature trying to prove that I'm doing everything possible to disassociate myself from my family's past. Or one of the fanatics who demands that of others. It's in the past, get over it.


Well-Known Member
Donald J Trump was named in 1973 in a housing discrimination suit.

I don't believe in blaming someone for the sins of their fathers, Fred being KKK, Friedrich Drumpf being a draft dodger, but those sins may explain some things.


Well-Known Member
Donald J Trump was named in 1973 in a housing discrimination suit.

I don't believe in blaming someone for the sins of their fathers, Fred being KKK, Friedrich Drumpf being a draft dodger, but those sins may explain some things.
50 years ago when he was 27? What would be strange is if he as a landlord wasn't named in a housing discrimination suit.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Donald J Trump was named in 1973 in a housing discrimination suit.

I don't believe in blaming someone for the sins of their fathers, Fred being KKK, Friedrich Drumpf being a draft dodger, but those sins may explain some things.
Only ONE sinless man has walked this earth.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member

"In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Turning Point Australia wrote, “It seems America isn’t the only country that makes it difficult for the Trumps."


"A spokesperson for the immigration minister, Andrew Giles, said the government would not comment on individual visa cases."



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King