Hunter Biden is going DOWN!


Well-Known Member
I never said Russia would take over Ukraine. I have no idea if they even want to, and what does the second amendment have to do with Ukraine they’re more than welcome to fight any war they deem necessary. My point is why is it necessary for us to fund Every war across the world? Even more tragic is pretty much everything we touch turns to crap. Apparently America enjoys losing everything They touch since World War II.
Many here did say Russia would roll right over Ukraine. My point about the U.S. and the 2nd Amendment is we have a bunch of online warriors threatening civil war, don't mess with my guns cause the 2nd Amendment and yet when Ukraine defends itself they are the first ones to say this is ridiculous, they can't beat Russia, might as well give up now. Seems freedom fighters in other countries who are actually trying to repel a country invading them don't have the same considerations as keyboard warriors.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why? Because a mostly white, largely immigrant free America is your dream?
Not at all.
My dream is to get a work ethic back and an incentive to get off your ass and make something of yourself. No one is too good to do the jobs you listed. Teens, young adults, old adults, work where you can and do what’s available. Pay into the system. You know, all legal like. I don’t give two s:censored2:s where you’re from or what color you are.
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Legio patria nostra
Don't know where you get your info but the Ukrainians have fought the Russians to a standstill while killing more than twice as many Russians as Ukrainians have been killed.

The EU voted for a $53 billion aid package that Hungary has just blocked. Orban has gotten friendlier with Russia because of how he was treated over not taking in Syrian refugees.

The Russians don't have the population or industrial power to take on NATO. It's why so many countries have joined NATO and I don't blame Ukraine for trying.
I’ll re-post my sources later, but they recently abandoned some Leopold’s and Bradley’s along with mortars, small arms, etc.
You won’t read this in US news for obvious reasons.

Don’t recite Reuters version of why Hungary blocked € to Ukraine. There’s more to it than what you’re reading.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’ll re-post my sources later, but they recently abandoned some Leopold’s and Bradley’s along with mortars, small arms, etc.
You won’t read this in US news for obvious reasons.

Don’t recite Reuters version of why Hungary blocked € to Ukraine. There’s more to it than what you’re reading.
Leopolds? Leopards?


Well-Known Member
Russia has attacked Georgia militarily. Russia has cyberattacked Estonia, then Ukraine. They’ve attack Ukraine militarily and annexed Crimea. Then they made their move on Kiev. We stood in their way this time. Russia has openly talked about reclaiming Estonia and Poland. Putin will never stop his conquest as long as he’s able. Standing for Ukraine has more to do with our national interest than anything else, more than human rights of the Ukranians even.

Afghanistan no longer fit our national security and national interest goals. That’s the short answer.
You don't make promises to allies and not keep them. That's going to make it very difficult in the future to get locals to assist us.

There's a huge difference between Russia and the WWII Germany. Germany had a huge industrial base as well as allies. Russia has neither if you're talking what countries would help them invade NATO. Almost a billion people and exponentially more industry verses a country of about 140 million with low life expectancy, limited industry, a poor education system. It's not the Soviet Union.

And as much as you would hate to admit it Putin never attempted to invade Ukraine while Trump was president. If he's crazy enough to attack NATO it'll be because of weak leadership on our side. Appeasement never works. Look at what's currently going on with Iran to see that.


Well-Known Member
I’ll re-post my sources later, but they recently abandoned some Leopold’s and Bradley’s along with mortars, small arms, etc.
You won’t read this in US news for obvious reasons.

Don’t recite Reuters version of why Hungary blocked € to Ukraine. There’s more to it than what you’re reading.
I'm not quoting anyone concerning Hungary. I've seen interviews with him expressing his frustration with the EU. But you said the EU is fed up with Ukraine. No, they attempted to pass a large aid package. Hungary, which has cozied up to Russia in the last year, blocked the aid.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
LOL. Tanks.
I figured that. So they are abandoning the German tanks? Wait till they start abandoning the Abram’s we are supposed to send them. They can’t win, a negotiated separation is the only way out now.


Well-Known Member
LOL. Tanks.
Getting destroyed in combat isn't the same as abandoning vehicles. The article did mention they abandoned "a few". And alluded they were having trouble starting them. If I were you I'd read the article again.
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Legio patria nostra
Getting destroyed in combat isn't the same as abandoning vehicles. The article did mention they abandoned "a few". And alluded they were having trouble starting them. If I were you I'd read the article again.
That’s not my only source.
I actually visit the UPS EU Gateways and talk/listen to people both on the Airfields and when I travel around and between them.
The EU is fed up with Ukraine.
Ukraine is not fighting Russia like CNN/Reuters wants you to believe.
Ukraine is abandoning their posts and turning over their (our) weaponry. ( I guess they learned that from the US retreat from Afghanistan).


Legio patria nostra
I figured that. So they are abandoning the German tanks? Wait till they start abandoning the Abram’s we are supposed to send them. They can’t win, a negotiated separation is the only way out now.
Some obviously get destroyed, but the Ukes lack the fighting spirit.
They were Nazi collaborators and part of the USSR and all of a sudden they’re the good guys???


Well-Known Member
Some obviously get destroyed, but the Ukes lack the fighting spirit.
They were Nazi collaborators and part of the USSR and all of a sudden they’re the good guys???
I've traveled in four countries of the former U.S.S.R. including Ukraine. They all say they hate the Russians. And yes they're the good guys. Killing 150,000 Russians in less than two years speaks to their fighting spirit. How long was Vietnam and how many did we lose?


Well-Known Member
Some obviously get destroyed, but the Ukes lack the fighting spirit.
They were Nazi collaborators and part of the USSR and all of a sudden they’re the good guys???
I can't imagine why they were sympathetic to the Germans considering Stalin was nice enough to cause a famine killing millions of them in the 1930's.