Some members, don't have the mental acuity or intestinal fortitude....
To deal with the company, or the Union.
The company and the IBT knows this and hopes to keep it this way, rather than educating and awakening them...
This was painfully obvious in the last contract negotiations at UPS.
If the IBT were earnest in the distribution and dissemination of relevant facts and figures, splinter groups like TDU would cease to exist.
I have never been a member of TDU, APWA or the like, but I certainly see why they exist and persist.
What I'm seeing, when I take a step back and separate my personal feelings and needs from the Teamster landscape, is an elaborate, unsustainable ponzi scheme.
Right now the "house of cards" stands directly on the backs of the last significant cash cow in the Teamster Union and when they get done paying it forward, there will be no one left to take the lead.
Unfortunately, when us UPSer's finally get our heads out of the trought and realize what has happened, it will likely be too late for us and the Teamsters.
It will likely be a barren, sterile landscape and the "Bernie Madoff's" will have made off with the spoils.
As always when discussing this matter, I hope I am wrong.