Well-Known Member
wkmac,Please Island, could you wake up and smell the CON job! Since the end of the FDR era when Truman left office in Jan. 1953' and even counting the current first year not yet complete of Obama, Republicans have controlled the White House 36 years to the Democrats 21 (the 1 counting Obama) and yet in all that time where the republican party held power (with 6 years of Bush 2 controlling all 3 branches) not once in any real measurable terms did the gov't scale back. In all cases the size of gov't itself just in sheer numbers of those employed grew, the budget also grew (it never decreased meaning the people actually kept more of their own money) and beginning with Nixon after Bretton Woods collasped and accelerating with Reagan, the debt exploded.
In fact all this prosperity you and Tie love to crow about was in fact prosperity as a result of pure debt and now the bill is coming due. As the prosperity grew, manufactoring and industry was departing or was it the fact that in WW2 on a global scale, the manufactoring base was destroyed all except for us and for several decades we prospered via the rebuild which absorded our surplus and now that era is over and we are in our own bust cycle (to much capacity with no demand) trying to keep it all afloat borrowing from the future.
I guess there's no use suggesting you read about Alfred Sloan and his ideas and theories of business he put in place at GM that became the model study of America and now we are witnessing the decline and fall of Sloanism. It started dying in the 70's as both Japan and Europe got back on it's feet but then the 3rd world kicked it below the belt and it was all but done. I think it fitting and telling that Uncle Sam is left holding the rotten corpse of the State created dynamo that was once known as General Motors but then Alfred Sloan made his!
Yes, Obama is making it much worse and I do think we are on borrowed time right now but the simple fact is, he's just following a formula already that's been in play since literally 1913' when the Congress gave birth to the Fed and privatized the money supply to a created monopoly. I love how "liberals" blast privatization and monopolies and yet are so damn quite when it comes to the Fed, it's beyond the pale, but then the title of this thread doth apply.
I hear you guys scream communist, marxist, etc. etc. when it comes to Obama and IMO it just shows your own stupidity. Yes Obama is a central planner but he's a corporatist first and foremost and he's always been one. Sure he uses the "liberal" speak to the masses but is that any different from the "conservative' speak we see from republicans and yet once in office we still have all things gov't! Even true liberals and progressives are starting to call him a Faux liberal. Even the healthcare bill is pure corporatism via the sneak attack. So much for Transparency!
Sure, the democrat party and their leaders doth sucketh but so does the republican party. They were all in this together and now the very people that manipulated this entire mess I'm suppose to trust? Although I don't believe in such mythology (that comment should butter Tourist's biscuits) it's almost like the devil approaching me about following him to which I respond, "Well what about that snake and tree thing in the Garden of Eden" to which he responds, "Oh dude, that's so old testament, I've got a new thing going on and I can get you in on the ground floor!" In his case I think he means the bottom of the basement!
That's how I see the republican party. Remember when Ron Paul was talking all this crazy
about limiting the size of gov't, cutting the budget, paying down debt, making our money honest and free of debt and not being the world's policeman? Remember the howls of laughter and the boos he got, not from democrats but from republicans. And what are these same republicans now saying?
"I swear baby, I've learned my lesson, just do it one more time and I swear I won't kvm in your mouth again!"
So go ahead, completely ignore the record and facts and just stick that head of yours back in the box. I've no doubt around here, you'll have plenty of company from both sides of the political isle!
You obviously haved all the answers --maybe you should be President.
In this country when Politicians and Government stay out of the way --We have the most opportunity that anyone on the Planet to fulfill our personal growth and development.
Since it seems you have all the answers --if not capitalism and the U.S. system --with all of our faults --what would you like to see?
Dictatorship ?? Communism ?? Socialism ?? Pick your "system" that will be so much better !!