Hello there, I am new to the group and it's good to be here! I do not work for UPS but my husband does, we have been together for 10 years. I can tell you from experience that it can be hard to be a spouse of a UPS driver. My husband is a spotter at the center, and an air driver, he goes in to work at 2:45 am Tue-Fri and at 6am on Saturday. It's difficult working out our routine, he sleeps in shifts, 4 hours in the afternoon, and 4 hours at night. We eat dinner together around 8pm and he goes back to bed. I am alone a lot, of course he is gone when I get up, and asleep when I come home from my 8-5 job. Over time we have gotten used to it and it's not so bad. I have "me" time, and so does he while I am at work. Like most of you I'm sure that December is the hardest month, between all the OT and the holiday gatherings it gets rough. I have to say that I am understanding, this is what my husband wants to do. He aspires to be a feeder driver and I plan to stand by him through that too. The benefits far outweigh the negatives and it's worth it. I am not a stay at home Mom, we have no kids, I work a full time job, so it's not all about the cash, it's mostly about supporting my husband's career whatever it may be. Of course on the other hand, where else can you make this kind of money, and get this cheap of health insurance, this much time off, etc. etc without a college degree? Not too many places, especially where we live.
So there you go, the perspective of one UPS wife.