Fact check time.
1950 median family income was $3,300.
1970 median family income was $9,870.
1985 median family income was $23,620.
2000 median family income was $42,148.
2017 median family income was $61,372.
Adjusted for inflation to 2017 dollars, that would translate to:
1950: $34,100.
1970: $63,407.
1985: $54,368.
2000: $60,634.
2017: $61,372.
Income of Families and Persons in the United States: 1950
Median Family Income Up in 1970 (Advance data)
Money Income of Households, Families, and Persons in the U.S.: 1985
Money Income in the United States: 2000
Income and Poverty in the United States: 2017
Inflation calculator:
CPI Inflation Calculator
We have every bit as many chances to retire as past generations did.
The fact of the matter is that people prioritize huge houses with no one in them, multiple vehicles, and thousand dollar cell phones, to a modest retirement.
People have the opportunity to do every bit as well as their parents.
Most are just too entitled to make the sacrifices that would get them there.