I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


nowhere special
The southern European countries went through a bit because they overspent too. But not to the extent of Greece.

You want to slam countries like Germany but the money doesn't just appear from nowhere. It's lent. And it's agreed to pay it back with interest. Do you think Greece should have continued to spend money they borrowed without being able to pay it back? So everybody loses money, not just the Greeks? Doesn't work that way, never has.
Spain was in pretty bad shape for a while too but they bit the bullet and fixed most of their problems.


Well-Known Member
That's radical Left propaganda. Have you seen the benefits Greece was offering its citizens? No country on Earth to my knowledge comes close to what they were doing. It costs money Ricky. Greece has had to go through austerity measures to pay back some of what they owed. There's no free lunch, everything costs. You'll come back with some comment, but tell me, why aren't other countries doing what Greece did? Would've been paradise to live there if they had the money.
what was greece doing that other EU countries werent?


Well-Known Member
what was greece doing that other EU countries werent?
For one Greece never had the economy necessary to pay for all their benefits. And they went way beyond what other countries were offering their citizens. So they borrowed to make up the difference. Soon even servicing.the debt was more than they could handle. They put a lot of banks who had loaned to them in jeopardy of collapsing. You may not like it, but the EU coming down so hard on them sent a message to all their member countries: be responsible or else. Luckily the other countries that were in jeopardy weren't so far gone that they couldn't pull out of it. Because if they couldn't then the EU would've definitely collapsed.


Well-Known Member
For one Greece never had the economy necessary to pay for all their benefits. And they went way beyond what other countries were offering their citizens. So they borrowed to make up the difference. Soon even servicing.the debt was more than they could handle. They put a lot of banks who had loaned to them in jeopardy of collapsing. You may not like it, but the EU coming down so hard on them sent a message to all their member countries: be responsible or else. Luckily the other countries that were in jeopardy weren't so far gone that they couldn't pull out of it. Because if they couldn't then the EU would've definitely collapsed.
specifically what did programs greece do that other EU countries did not do?


Well-Known Member
did you see their unemployment the savage troika policies imposed?
Ricky, nothing is going to convince you otherwise. You see Greece as the paradise every country should attempt to be and the EU ruined it. All those benefits are great if you can afford them. But even Norway with its oil money and small population probably couldn't pull off what Greece attempted to do. It's not the responsibility of other countries to turn over their money so that Greece could continue to be a worker's paradise.


Well-Known Member
specifically what did programs greece do that other EU countries did not do?
I read a bunch of them back when we argued about this a couple years ago. Things like retiring at full pay in your 50's. Pregnant women retiring in their 30's with full pay. As I recall it was quite a list. I'm sure you could find plenty of info with Google.


Well-Known Member
I read a bunch of them back when we argued about this a couple years ago. Things like retiring at full pay in your 50's. Pregnant women retiring in their 30's with full pay. As I recall it was quite a list. I'm sure you could find plenty of info with Google.
no YOU brought it up, so YOU can say exactly what greece is doing that other countries are not.

i read an article from a major source of propaganda and it said

chatgpt disagree with your statement about pregnant women. unless you can post some articles:


Well-Known Member
no YOU brought it up, so YOU can say exactly what greece is doing that other countries are not.

i read an article from a major source of propaganda and it said
View attachment 491027

chatgpt disagree with your statement about pregnant women. unless you can post some articles:
View attachment 491028
That's very good. Are you of the opinion that's all that was offered? And YOU are demanding I list all their benefits when I hardly ever get a straight answer from you?


Well-Known Member
i realized the matrix is speaking when you hear talks about the economy being good under one president and bad under the next because they want you to think that things arent always bad, if they were always bad you would be more angry than you currently are and would be asking different questions.

they want you to think its good part of the time because then you direct your blame on the wrong source.

the economy is always bad because union rate has always more or less gotten worse for a long time. look when union rate fell fastest too.