quamba 638
Well-Known Member
Well, using that logic, UPS could just leave your pay rate the same, and have you work 30 hours per week. That would be a 50% wage increase!
I was responding to the point that Hoaxster made, that perhaps part timers should be paid more money upfront, without the expectations of it being a permanent job. It occurred to me that many of the PT people who complain the loudest, are making well over $10 per hour. They have insurance, a pension, and they are receiving the same per hour increases as drivers--which is a much larger percentage of their wage. The longer you stay, the harder it is to leave. Maybe it would be better to pay part timers half of driver pay with no benefits (at least no pension); but then they would only get half of the yearly raise amount.
I'm actually pleased with my wage, which is substantially less than a driver's. But I also find it embarrassing that in a union shop, five years from now the average FT will be pulling in $100K (!) whereas PTers will be starting out near what will likely be minimum wage. I also find it interesting that the same drivers who whine & cry about how under-compensated they are, how much retiree benefits will cost, etc. are the same ones scolding PTers for complaining about their wages. Some many companies have begun hiring two PT employees in lieu of one FT in effort to pay inferior wages (nevermind the benefits) -- it's just not right. Being tagged as "part-time" should not equate into a two-tier wage system.
Well said. I'm not bagging on drivers at all but at my hub a group of drivers always congregate in the parking lot after work complaining about the days events. I always sit in my truck before work for 10 minutes prior to my shift. These guys hate their jobs. In the past they wore shirts that said : UPS = Unfair Pay Standards.
They sound like a bunch of old hens clucking over petty stuff. Making 32 an hour seems unfair to some I guess.
Does UPS even require a high school diploma for employment? Honestly. I can't remember providing proof.....