I got a lot of questions!


nowhere special


Staff member
Not sure if I recall correctly, I believe Mercedes had a 4 speed with the shift lever on the column.
Early to mid 60s 190?

Yep. A girl I knew in high school had one. I believe a 1965. Nice car.

I also drove a mid-60's Econoline van that we had at UPS when I first started with a 4-speed on the column.

Both were easy to drive.


Retired 23 years
Both my kids learned how to drive while I was out ice fishing. I gave them my truck and said don't run into anyones fishhouse. The nice thing about it was I could keep an eye on them across the lake while I was fishing.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
High school parking lots are good on late afternoons and weekends. Good combination of student parking open area and bus/vehicle lanes.
Our district is 100% automatic.
We still have some manual shift package cars left so knowing how to drive a manual is still a requirement. Learned on my dads 65 GMC pickup. V6 and three on the tree. Not sure about if it even had seat belts. Taught my kids on a Ford Ranger pick up on the gravel roads North of town. Flat land and if you ran off the road you would only knock over some corn stalks or soybeans.


Pineapple King
The nurse came to our building to administer the tests. We had one driver who would hold out for as long as he could before he *had* to pee. I think his record was 3+ hours. About 20% of the time, in addition to the urine test, they would make you blow a breathalyzer test. We had 1 driver who failed the test. He was off for a while, taking AA classes, and he was subject to tests anytime the company wanted him to after that.
Jesus we all sit around for at least an hour to pee on randoms. Dam...too bad you weren't here 5 minutes ago I just took a piss.