Hello everyone, I just want to say that I am devastated by the decision that UPS made uppon me. A few ago I made a stupid mistake in wich I signed for packages and got caught. I was fired by the article 50 but I had my hearing and was able to get my job back. In order for me to get my job back UPS told me that I needed to sign an agreement witch it said that "any farther violations for the next year would result on my permanent termination from the company" but I refuse to sign because I did't like how it sounded, so I said no, I will not sign it. They said if you don't sign it then won't give you your job back, in other words I was forced to sign to keep my job. Just recently I had 1 late air by 1 minute 10:30 being the commit time and I verify the signature and closed it out at 10:31. I called my center to let them know that I had a late air but the next day I'm in the office with the building manager and my shop steward and he gave me article 7 wich means that I am fired but still allow to work until I get a hearing with the company. I had my hearing last week and yesturday I got the call from my local union saying that we lost the case and that I no longer work for UPS. I know I said in the beginning that I signed a agreement but that was for falsifying records and I am just furios that I lost my job for having a 1 minute late air. IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO HAVE ANOTHER HEARING? TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK PLEASE. I HAVE A FAMILY THAT DEPENDS ON ME AND NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!