Why not ask BUSH, since operation "WIDE RECIEVER" from 2005 to 2007 saw hundreds of guns ending up in cartels hands.
Why not start with Operation GUN RUNNER, a BUSH policy ok'd by Attorney general ALBERTO GONAZLEZ in 2005?
BABA, start there and work you way to Obama, then tell me what you learned.
We have covered this ground before. Do you realize how dopey it sounds:
Johnny hit Mary !! Well Joey hit Mary last week.
The Cheerleaders of Joey and the Cheerleaders of Johnny ---Seem not to care about the harm to Mary !
I have now explained --so that even six year old Joey and Johnny can understand.
Pointing to BAD BEHAVIOR done previously does not justify BAD BEHAVIOR.
The Country would be so much stronger if Politicians knew they could not get away with half the crap they do if the--- PEOPLE--- recognized right from wrong --rather that cheering Left and Right.