

Well-Known Member
Those emails are out there somewhere! If they aren't, then there was a coordinated effort, possibly with help from White House to scrub it off a lot of servers.
Congress hasn't done the best job of discovery, a select committee is necessary to do that. Hopefully the judges in this case will get those emails.

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Well-Known Member
Now there is claim that Lerners hard drive was scratched. Other than taking the computer apart, how can a hard drive get scratched? And shazam we found back up tapes. Amazing what a federal lawsuit can get done.

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nowhere special
And the IRS still tried to hide things until evidence wass found proving they were lying. They wanted the investigation dropped with all of those secrets remaining secret. And while the IRS is not cooperating with the investigation they admitted they aren't even investigating anything themselves.


golden ticket member
It’s getting harder and harder for the Obama regime to call this a “phony scandal” with a straight face.

Via The Blaze:

New emails uncovered by the House Ways and Means Committee indicate that former IRS employee Lois Lerner has a strong dislike of conservatives, and at one point called them “:censored2:s” in an email exchange.

The committee released an email Lerner received in November 2012 complaining about the “whacko wing of the GOP.” The person wrote Lerner that there are “too many foreigners sucking the teat,” and that the “right wing radio shows are scary to listen to.”

Lerner replied, “Great. Maybe we are through if there are that many :censored2:s.”

The other person then wrote, “And I’m talking about the hosts of the shows. The callers are rabid.”

Lerner replied, “So we don’t need to worry about alien terrorists. It’s our own crazies that will take us down.”


nowhere special
The latest bombshell in the IRS scandal has landed. On Monday, Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton told FNC’s Shannon Bream that a Justice Department attorney told them the missing Lois Lerner e-mails do exist.

Appearing on FNC’s The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, announced: “A Department of Justice attorney told a Judicial Watch attorney on Friday that it turns out the federal government backs up all computer records in case something terrible happens in Washington and there is a catastrophe...So everything we’ve been hearing about scratched hard drives, about missing e-mails of Lois Lerner, other IRS officials, other officials in the Obama administration, it’s all been a pack of malarkey.”

Fitton continued: “They could get these records but they don’t want to and they haven’t told anyone about it, frankly, until we were able to get it out of them on Friday. And there’s no such thing as Lois Lerner’s missing e-mails. It’s all been a big lie. They’ve been lying to the courts, to the American people and to congress. It’s really outrageous...We got to get these e-mails. And now we know where they are, where they’re likely to be. And the Obama administration needs to get it’s, needs to get on the ball and start retrieving them as opposed to stonewalling and continuing to obstruct justice.”



nowhere special
IRS Shocker: Filing Reveals Lerner Blackberry Destroyed

The IRS filing in federal Judge Emmet Sullivan’s court reveals shocking new information. The IRS destroyed Lerner’s Blackberry AFTER it knew her computer had crashed and after a Congressional inquiry was well underway. As an IRS official declared under the penalty of perjury, the destroyed Blackberry would have contained the same emails (both sent and received) as Lois Lerner’s hard drive.


golden ticket member
Over the years, this has been pointed out and more openly where people suggest that maybe you don't pay your taxes and you certainly outnumber the enforcers.
There are people in jail today who have tried it.
Death & Taxes!!