I Remember.....


Well-Known Member
So you’re saying that frontline Fedex employees can only afford the cheap seats?
What i'm saying is, I guess you and your girlfriend obviously decided not to retire this Meat persona. How have you been power shift. Nice to see you blow through. Back to offer more pro bono mental evaluations?


Well-Known Member
Dano's specialty is taking cheap shots against frontline Fedex employees. Dead giveaway that he's a Memphis shill.
Cactus, you're a smart guy, he's just poking ribs and pissin off those that will be pissed. Don't take it personally, sit back and watch old fart soil himself.


Well-Known Member
Cactus, you're a smart guy, he's just poking ribs and pissin off those that will be :censored2:. Don't take it personally, sit back and watch old fart soil himself.
I did get sorta get sick eating that White Castle burger last night. Can you bring up food prep when you go back to work there tomorrow?


double tap o da horn dooshbag
Dang, I guess the sticky made by Cheryl is invisible

Friendly reminder: Please be tolerant and respectful of one another.

My 6 day workweek was a :censored2: due to the storms causing backup in the system.

Monday was a catchup for Saturday's mess. I covered 2 routes and 20 stops over 200 miles... they were all irregs/ oversized that filled the 12' boxtruck to capacity.

The rest of the workweek was bearable once those irregs were outta the way.

I asked my manager if I'll be getting a raise, nope! This rural route, amongst a few others, are operating at a loss.


You're an investor-isp with over 400 routes in my state alone... and your supposed to renegotiate the contract to at least break even on some of the routes. U have the operating costs history, unless u suck at book keeping.

I just don't get at how some of these contractors operate. Look at the washer fluid expense as an example on the other thread.


Well-Known Member
Dang, I guess the sticky made by Cheryl is invisible

Friendly reminder: Please be tolerant and respectful of one another.

My 6 day workweek was a :censored2: due to the storms causing backup in the system.

Monday was a catchup for Saturday's mess. I covered 2 routes and 20 stops over 200 miles... they were all irregs/ oversized that filled the 12' boxtruck to capacity.

The rest of the workweek was bearable once those irregs were outta the way.

I asked my manager if I'll be getting a raise, nope! This rural route, amongst a few others, are operating at a loss.


You're an investor-isp with over 400 routes in my state alone... and your supposed to renegotiate the contract to at least break even on some of the routes. U have the operating costs history, unless u suck at book keeping.

I just don't get at how some of these contractors operate. Look at the washer fluid expense as an example on the other thread.
It makes one wonder why you stay there as well.


double tap o da horn dooshbag
It makes one wonder why you stay there as well.
Mak, I'm basically on my own... no micro management. They know I get the job done. I can roll in at 0630 one day, or 0900 another day since no commit times to worry about, except that occasional appointment or evening delivery.

Plus, my side hustle as a landlord, amongst other things, keep me in check since more capitalists are not providing a retirement package for workers any more.

And you other old farts flinging poo around... squash it already!


Well-Known Member
Mak, I'm basically on my own... no micro management. They know I get the job done. I can roll in at 0630 one day, or 0900 another day since no commit times to worry about, except that occasional appointment or evening delivery.

Plus, my side hustle as a landlord, amongst other things, keep me in check since more capitalists are not providing a retirement package for workers any more.

And you other old farts flinging poo around... squash it already!
That's cool if it works for you and you make the best of a dead end job. I just really wouldn't expect to get any more out of it than you do. If you want your employer to recognize and reward the extra you do, you're going to have to look elsewhere. You're not going to find that at ground.


Well-Known Member
Mak, I'm basically on my own... no micro management. They know I get the job done. I can roll in at 0630 one day, or 0900 another day since no commit times to worry about, except that occasional appointment or evening delivery.

Plus, my side hustle as a landlord, amongst other things, keep me in check since more capitalists are not providing a retirement package for workers any more.

And you other old farts flinging poo around... squash it already!
Orion look, Xground is a very city minded company with a business model that was developed for a metropolitan area in a warm climate with flat terrain a modern highway system much higher population density with much higher per capita incomes. if you are in an area that doesn't have the complete demographic and infrastructure package upon which the model is based you're pretty much out of luck. It would appear that your speculator/contractor boss has ignored the fact that X made it clear that creating equity and value for contractors is not their intention . Acquiring cheap trucking and labor is the sole objective as evidenced by the fact that contractors didn't have goodwill until 1993 when only under the threat of a federal lawsuit did they grudgingly grant it.
Staying with that speculator/ contractor as a matter of convenience while speculating on your own in the rental property business in the hope that you'll be able acquire enough of them to build a family sustaining cash flow, well then I wish you the best in that but by doing so the question is are you doing more to sustain that cheap wage no benefit contractor than you're doing for yourself?


Well-Known Member
You're demanding that I prove you're lying when you can't prove that your preposterous nonsense is true?

All talk -- bucko.
So you were in the meeting when my SM wanted resignation letters from employees that marked they "weren't proud to work for Fedex" on the survey?

We did have a custodian in the room sweeping the floor while we had our meeting. Was that you?


Well-Known Member
So you were in the meeting when my SM wanted resignation letters from employees that marked they "weren't proud to work for Fedex" on the survey?

We did have a custodian in the room sweeping the floor while we had our meeting. Was that you?
And down goes Dano! Down goes Dano! Never have I seen in decades of covering the pugilistic arts such a vicious uppercut as was just applied to Dano's solarplexus by the aging combatant Oldfart. Wait, wait, Dano is lifting himself off the canvas. He's ok! Guess it's true, Oldfart does hit like a girl and Dano only slipped. The young Turk Dano approaches the ancient one and(ding ding ding)the round is over! Stay tuned folks for more Fights We'd Love to See after these words from our sponsors.


Well-Known Member
And down goes Dano! Down goes Dano! Never have I seen in decades of covering the pugilistic arts such a vicious uppercut as was just applied to Dano's solarplexus by the aging combatant Oldfart. Wait, wait, Dano is lifting himself off the canvas. He's ok! Guess it's true, Oldfart does hit like a girl and Dano only slipped. The young Turk Dano approaches the ancient one and(ding ding ding)the round is over! Stay tuned folks for more Fights We'd Love to See after these words from our sponsors.
Nice work, have you been possessed by the ghost of Mr. Fedex?