I was fired because a manager didnt like me (follow up)


Tea anyone ?
UK is acting like he thinks he fought a fight and won. read his signature line. In fact he probably got lucky and got his job back because of a procedural error. If he now goes back to work thinking he fought the evil company and won then he takes no accountability for his mistakes. You offer none less you be judged. In the process he then goes back thinking he is invincible and screws up again. He has some issues which is why they tried to dump him. Not becasue some guy walked in one day and decided he did not like uk.
Listen man , I friend'd up BIGTIME I know that .
I cant belive that I drank that beer in the office , (even though I was choking) but at the time it didnt seem so stupid. I do hold myself responsible and acountable for my actions and I will never accept alcahol or put myself in a position like that again . I dont feel like I took on a coorperate giant and won , I feel very Humble , Very Very Humble . UPS has been very good to me and I have no ill feelings towards them at all. Fileing complaints and writeing letters about UPS was a very hard thing for me to do , I felt very un loyal and small for doing it but I thought that it would help my case ,and I needed all the help I could get . My family depends on me to support them , I HAD to get my job back, thats why I wrote those letters , I didnt know what else to do , my family comes first . I should have thought of them before I drank the beer , but here we are . Its very easy to get caught up in the situation , espcialy when people like yourself tie , dont belive me ,it`s very frustrating for me ,I dont blame you for not beliveng me , My own Wife doesn`t belive me . Try to put yourself in my position ( I think I may have just opened myself up for a brutal attack)for a minute , haveing your life crumble in front of you over a taco! its just so &###*% unbeliveable how can you expect anyone to belive you. i `m sure that even the people who came up to bat for me still have there doubts , Its like been accused of rape , even if you are innocent people will always doubt you . dont think I`m passing the blame off or makeing excuses I`m not I`m just trying to explain my self . I made a mistake , a really really big mistake and I am not taking my return to work for granted I`m not happy with the way I got my job back either, I did what I had to do to recover from a situation that I put my own stupid self into . I will be returning to work with a smile on my face , not because I feel like the victor in a fight but because I feel lucky enough to still be an employee of this company
I shouldnt of given the manager the shovel to bury me with I admit and I sometimes confuse the "individual "with the "company " as a whole but dont think that I feel like I beat up the school bully , I`m just very happy and relieved to still have a job if I came off different in earlier posts its because I got caught up in everthing . I`m not a bad guy and I am not a Liar. I would like to know why I got my job back also , just for a closure on this &%ed up part of my life


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
You are going back to work, no matter what the reason.
For that you show you are grateful. You want to be back in the group that complains about the hours etc. And you are.

You have been told it isnt going to be easy and acknowleged it.
You have adnitted mistakes, etc.
On thing I have noticed is, your spelling and grammar have improved greatly:tongue_sm , so there is a positive. And after all the pounding you have done on your keyboard to prove you arent a liar, cheat etc, I dont think you have to continue to beat yourself up.
Breathe, enjoy Life, its just a bad part of the road which you have begun to pass over.


Well-Known Member
My father in law was a union electrician. They took pride in their labor. They bragged about providing the best labor in the industry. They would throw a guy off the job if that person did a ****ty job. Teamsters on the other hand have never sold the pride in workmanship and give you the judge not lest you be judged line when you bring it up.

Teamsters have a wide range in industrial fields from law enforcement to emergency medical care. Now do you hate all teamsters or just UPS teamsters?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it Jim Casey himself who suggested and actually paved the way for UPS employees to become union members? I'm sure things have changed a little from the early 1900's, but we must remember that unionization is something our founder condoned. On the other hand, UPS basically forced Casey out so their attitude about the union would certainly not be in line with what Casey wanted; Heck, is what UPS is today anything what Casey would have wanted? A good start over would be to go back to what Casey did to make us great and move in that direction. Of course, this is just my opinion and does not represent the views of United Parcel Service.:wink: Nothing like a little legal jargon to end a post.:thumbup1:

Pretty funny how no one on the management side ever talks about how the union came into UPS. imo very good post.


Teamsters have a wide range in industrial fields from law enforcement to emergency medical care. Now do you hate all teamsters or just UPS teamsters?

I'm afraid you completely missed the point. The quote you used talked about pride in workmanship. How my father in laws union had it and insisted on it. How the teamsters don't. Care to comment on that point instead of creating one about my hating the teamsters?


Well-Known Member
Can a picture tell a 1000 words. Is that u UK in the pic. I just have to add this. I was in the Marine Corp and we once trained with the British Royal Marines. Half or more looked like that guy in the avatar pic. Were they loose cannons, no. I would just call them "Wide Open". I would go to battle with these guys in a heart beat. High energy. Come to think of it a lot of U.S. Marines looked like that, lol. Lets R.I.P. this thread. God save the Queen. Who by the way her majesty was in virgina this past week. U.K. my advice to you, Pray and read your bible everyday. May God Bless u and your family.


Well-Known Member
I concur with area43, ggod luck and God bless you and yours UK!

The company loves to try to dictate to the Union how we should do our duties, but we are obligated to the members in that area. There's a little thing known as collusion, that no one wants to involved with, if they're true to their duties imho. If we talk to an individual about the things that got them in trouble etc...we don't neccesarily do it in front of management.


I concur with area43, ggod luck and God bless you and yours UK!

The company loves to try to dictate to the Union how we should do our duties, but we are obligated to the members in that area. There's a little thing known as collusion, that no one wants to involved with, if they're true to their duties imho. If we talk to an individual about the things that got them in trouble etc...we don't neccesarily do it in front of management.

the question I would ask is whether you do it at all since you layed the judge not lest you be judged scripture on me. The company would trust you more if they actually saw you take a screw up to the wood shed every now and then. There would be a lot less formal discipline if they had the faith in you to address the issue with the members. How come the teamsters never run any commericals or ads or anything demanding pride in workmanship. All they ever do publicly is claim some company is trying to screw them over. Its why their membership totals continue to decline. they don't know how to market unionism as anything more then one big pissing contest. People don't want to work under those conditions.


Well-Known Member
Tie, I assure you the company has seen me take a couple to the woodshed, actually probably worse than they did. It was over attendence, and I have talked to the individual until I am blue in the face, and he keeps calling in, and I have been down that road, where we fought over over for some guys in the past, but they called in, and no called no showed until they were fired. I learned from those guys, so I laid on this young driver for following a dead end road, now finally he seems to get it that he can lose his job for excessive
abscentees. He called almost always on Fri and Mon.

I don't know how every steward handles things, but I always tell the person what is wrong with what they did, and what/how to fix it.

Let me ask you, do you managers discipline each other in front of the union employees? Every manager has told us it was non of our business how they discipine or deal with their own.

As far as the judge not, verse I posted, it means what it says, look at the log in one's own eye before pointing to the twig in anothers. It's called self evaluation and we all need to do it, and I am speaking to myself as well as others.

Also you said UK was a "bad driver" but he wasn't fired because of his driving skills, but from a decision he made while off the clock etc...Also you said, he should do some soul searching, so if you're gonna use the Bible, it also says, "there's none righteous, no not one, that means not you, not me, not UK etc...

Now I am through with Scripture unless there's a thread about it. Sermon over.

Shalom & shalom
Last edited:


Tie, I assure you the company has seen me take a couple to the woodshed, actually probably worse than they did. It was over attendence, and I have talked to the individual until I am blue in the face, and he keeps calling in, and I have been down that road, where we fought over over for some guys in the past, but they called in, and no called no showed until they were fired. I learned from those guys, so I laid on this young driver for following a dead end road, now finally he seems to get it that he can lose his job for excessive
abscentees. He called almost always on Fri and Mon.

I don't know how every steward handles things, but I always tell the person what is wrong with what they did, and what/how to fix it.

Let me ask you, do you managers discipline each other in front of the union employees? Every manager has told us it was non of our business how they discipine or deal with their own.

As far as the judge not, verse I posted, it means what it says, look at the log in one's own eye before pointing to the twig in anothers. It's called self evaluation and we all need to do it, and I am speaking to myself as well as others.

Also you said UK was a "bad driver" but he wasn't fired because of his driving skills, but from a decision he made while off the clock etc...Also you said, he should do some soul searching, so if you're gonna use the Bible, it also says, "there's none righteous, no not one, that means not you, not me, not UK etc...

Now I am through with Scripture unless there's a thread about it. Sermon over.

Shalom & shalom

all good except one part. I never said UK was a bad driver. did say he had issues and my gut feeling that they may view him as a loose canon.


Well-Known Member
My apologies, you didn't say he was a bad driver. I thought you did, but you said "bad decisions".


Retired 23 years
Hey I was a bad driver - was told that almost every day for 30 years. I once was told by my center manager I was doing a good job. The following night I was met at the gas pumps by some idiot with a clip board and a funny suit and tie for some kind of audit. About his 10th question was " When was the last time you were told you were doing a good job". Any respect for the company pretty much went out the window after that.


Well-Known Member
The union is liable if they don't represent people. So should we risk getting the union sued for breaching the duty of fair representation?

Very good point Cole....
Fair is not a word used when UPS has a hard on for someone. They will tend to twist the story around and make it look 100x worse than it is. If all the lawyers worked the way Tie wants our businees agents to work, the USA would not be the home of the free. We dont know the 3 sides to UK`s story so it is very hard to pinpoint what really happened and who is to blame.


Very good point Cole....
Fair is not a word used when UPS has a hard on for someone. They will tend to twist the story around and make it look 100x worse than it is. If all the lawyers worked the way Tie wants our businees agents to work, the USA would not be the home of the free. We dont know the 3 sides to UK`s story so it is very hard to pinpoint what really happened and who is to blame.

Interesting Argument you are afraid to judge UK because you don't know the three sides to his story but you have no problem judging the way I want your BA's to work. So what did I say besides
a. It appears a discharge letter was never sent and the BA should have caught it.
B. Uk should study his contract so he knows if he is being fully represented by his BA.

????:thumbup1: :thumbup1: :thumbup1:


Well-Known Member
Perhaps spare the rod spoil the child would also help. Your union does a poor job of addressing the issues that led to this guy getting fired. If he was a good driver he would not have been begging for his job.The union does not represent the good drivers. They represent the screw ups, malcontents and loose canons. I have never seen anyone coerced into making a false statement. but I have seen many , many drivers who had problems holding thierselves accountable. This guy needs to do some soul searching or he will get himself fired again. You as a steward don't do him any justice if you don't encourage some personal accountability.

It seems like this topic has found its way to other threads.
Allow me to try to find the other post by Mr Tie that stuck in my head.


It seems like this topic has found its way to other threads.
Allow me to try to find the other post by Mr Tie that stuck in my head.

I think I found it 804 . On another thread you responded someones post named heresy and apparently thought it was me.:thumbup1: