So I've been a proud Teamster for 23 yrs I've never worked for UPS throughout my 23 yrs, at this point im entertaining going back to work part time, so over this past peak season I decided to run this seasonal helper position it seems my work performance was up to par because I've been asked to stay on as a part timer if I choose.
So a little about my 23 years with the Teamsters back in 1997 ish i started working for Yellow freight,hard work but it was my choice all ive ever known is hard work,so I was kinda fit right in,I worked as a casual for Roadway before it became YRC and finally went to Consolidated Freightway and we all know what happen there and for those of you that dont they went under in 2002,so I had a choice to go back to Yellow and start over as a casual and try and get on there,but after about a week went by the local called me and put me into the film division and i wound up staying in that until present time and for you folks that dont know that industry look it up,its a

show in itself,know pun intended,big money long hours,ive been in it now for 15 yrs and im done,i turn 61 in a week or so and i cant retire for a couple of different reason but i wont bore you with those details.
So now after this peak season im being asked to continue working for UPS as either managment or rank and file,im not looking to drive im done, I expressed id like to work the outbound shift reload i think is what you guys call it and the managment positions offerd ranged between flex supervisor and some othe partime twilight position doing time cards shuffling papers ect.
Im sure most on this board are going to have negative things to say about managment positions i get it,but it comes with more money to start and benefits day 1
Either way i know in my heart i just want to be on a loading dock working freight,handling freight and honestly im pretty sure thats going to be my decision,i just love to work hard and thats not going to happen in a managment positon for me,and by the way my son works for UPS as a driver the one time my son listened to me lol thank god !!!
Happy New Year to All !!!