trust me bro, i contact them many of times. and i will hire a lawyer if i have too, i followed the steps after i was terminated and i dont care if i dont get back pay i just want my job back.2years ago, your done. Hate to give ya the bad news but unless you get a lwayer your not going to get job back. You should have been on the day after you got fired and everyday til you got your job back. Don't get me wrong I feel bad you lost your job because of their stupidity and arrogance but at the same time its irresponsible that you would not stay on top of it until you got your job back. Not being ignorant or anything just being completely honest with ya. Good luck and get a lawyer, whether you have to get a loan from bank or friend or family member. Good thing though if you somehow by a miracle got your job back, they would owe you back pay.