IBT not courting Hillary?

Cat in the hat

Active Member
I don't know call me old fashioned. But I just have a darn heck of a time supporting a candidate. Who wrote an essay of sexual assault and a women who has fantasies about being raped.

Now to assume that I vote Republican that's just childish .

I will not vote for another Clinton.

And the fairy dust Sanders is floating around I'm not buying that either.


Well-Known Member
I don't know call me old fashioned. But I just have a darn heck of a time supporting a candidate. Who wrote an essay of sexual assault and a women who has fantasies about being raped.

Now to assume that I vote Republican that's just childish .

I will not vote for another Clinton.

And the fairy dust Sanders is floating around I'm not buying that either.
You literally just ruled out every candidate.


Well-Known Member
I don't know call me old fashioned. But I just have a darn heck of a time supporting a candidate. Who wrote an essay of sexual assault and a women who has fantasies about being raped.

Now to assume that I vote Republican that's just childish .

I will not vote for another Clinton.

And the fairy dust Sanders is floating around I'm not buying that either.
Also 1st paragraph in this post has nothing to do with what you said in the previous post about his policies. I am not saying it doesn't matter, but you jumped from policies to history.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Really, do you have some facts to back that up. 1.3 million members of a Labor Union doesn't vote? Not to mention a AFL-CIO endorsement? Your opinion on Biden, is just that an opinion. Im trying to understand your statement that union members don't vote?

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It's just like little league. It's the same people who help. The 20% . The other 80% don't bother. If you don't understand that. Ron Carey would be spinning in his grave. Also rumor mills are leaning towards Trump. Then no one would know what would happen. Personally - I feel an outsider would do America justice. Not the same ol politics. But, it's a yr away. I'm thinking Trump peaked too soon. Cruz is the favorite in the long run.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
I love how people say this without actually looking at what he wants. He's not going after the middle class. And by your reasoning i guess during my 2 jobs and my wife's job all we do is sit at home on our couch? Because with 3 jobs we would still see benefits out of his plans.

But that's alright. Vote for the Republicans who want to get rid of the unions, get rid of a minimum wage, get rid of SS, get rid of Medicare, and increase tax breaks for the 1%. Or vote for Hillary so the status quo is maintained.

You do realize Bernie Sanders is a self proclaimed socialist? We would get another Oblahblah. We need direction. Not all of our taxes going to couch potatoes. I will give my last dime to a vet. They deserve what ever they need. Not to feel shamed as all of the left is doing


Well-Known Member
You do realize Bernie Sanders is a self proclaimed socialist? We would get another Oblahblah. We need direction. Not all of our taxes going to couch potatoes. I will give my last dime to a vet. They deserve what ever they need. Not to feel shamed as all of the left is doing
Really...So on one hand Socialism bad (btw he's not a marxist, hes a democratic socialist totally different) on the other hand pro Vet socialism. Why dont you check Bernies votes on Vet rights/compensation/etc. Extremely pro taking care of the Vets for the service that they did this country. Side note, I 100% agree with you about taking care of the vets, its a shame what some are trying to do. Note that some of these are the same republicans that wanted the wars but now dont want to take care of the vets.

Interesting tidbit. While Bernie voted against the 2 Iraq wars (he voted for the Afghanistan war), after the 2nd Iraq war passed, a lot of the voters that voted for the war voted against spending money to provide the soldiers being deployed with better body armor, etc. Guess who voted for better body armor, etc...Thats right, Bernie. Didnt believe in that war, but once committed wanted to give the soldiers what they needed unlike some that said that thought they didnt need it even though they wanted the war.


Well-Known Member
Also, do you know a president who can be classified as a Democratic Socialist on the same order as Bernie? Here is a couple of hints. He brought the US out of one of the worst if not the worst economic times in US history. He turned that depression into what is regarded as the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the US for the 20 years after his presidency ended. Some of Bernie's points aren't about anything new, but returning to many of his policies.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Also, do you know a president who can be classified as a Democratic Socialist on the same order as Bernie? Here is a couple of hints. He brought the US out of one of the worst if not the worst economic times in US history. He turned that depression into what is regarded as the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the US for the 20 years after his presidency ended. Some of Bernie's points aren't about anything new, but returning to many of his policies.
Actually he prolonged the depression but I'm sure you're not interested in real history.


I don't know call me old fashioned. But I just have a darn heck of a time supporting a candidate. Who wrote an essay of sexual assault and a women who has fantasies about being raped.

Now to assume that I vote Republican that's just childish .

I will not vote for another Clinton.

And the fairy dust Sanders is floating around I'm not buying that either.


If you don't want to vote for Sanders because of his policies, that's fine. But don't repeat bull:censored2::

National Review writer Charles C.W. Cooke, though, dismissed the essay as insignificant:

"Nobody honestly believes that Bernie Sanders is a sexual pervert or that he is a misogynist or that he intends to do women any harm. Nobody suspects that he harbors a secret desire to pass intrusive legislation or to cut gang rapists a break. Really, there is only one reason that anyone would make hay of this story, and that is to damage the man politically."


You do realize Bernie Sanders is a self proclaimed socialist? We would get another Oblahblah. We need direction. Not all of our taxes going to couch potatoes. I will give my last dime to a vet. They deserve what ever they need. Not to feel shamed as all of the left is doing

Obama is a corporate Democrat and actually (domestically) to the right of Bill Clinton (another corporate Democrat, check out his love for Walmart as governor of Arkansas) and nearly identical to Bush on foreign policy. He's the furthest thing from a socialist we've had in this country.

"Obamacare" was corporate welfare for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries.


Actually he prolonged the depression but I'm sure you're not interested in real history.

So the Works Project Administration (the same one that put hundreds of thousands back to work and created many of our national landmarks and parks) prolonged the Depression? That makes absolutely zero sense.

To be fair and non-biased, we'll never actually know if FDR's policies ended or prolonged the Depression due to the emergence of WW2. War-time production and industries (according to any scholar that's worth a damn) is widely credited with ending the Great Depression.

Cat in the hat

Active Member
Obama is a corporate Democrat and actually (domestically) to the right of Bill Clinton (another corporate Democrat, check out his love for Walmart as governor of Arkansas) and nearly identical to Bush on foreign policy. He's the furthest thing from a socialist we've had in this country.

"Obamacare" was corporate welfare for the pharmaceutical and insurance industries.

How cute. Keep posting the NPR talking points.


Well-Known Member
So the Works Project Administration (the same one that put hundreds of thousands back to work and created many of our national landmarks and parks) prolonged the Depression? That makes absolutely zero sense.

To be fair and non-biased, we'll never actually know if FDR's policies ended or prolonged the Depression due to the emergence of WW2. War-time production and industries (according to any scholar that's worth a damn) is widely credited with ending the Great Depression.
One thing everyone has to admit though, and its really what i was getting at, is The Great Works put many out of work people (due to the depression) back to work where at least they could provide for their families. Add that to his other policies (ss, etc) and the middle class had a brief golden age. When his policies started being cut back or destroyed the gap started widening and we are now where we are now.


How cute. Keep posting the NPR talking points.

The quote I posted about the Sanders essay was from a writer of The National Review, which is one of the leading conservative-thought publications in the US. He dismissed the essay being used to attack Sanders on the issue of women as a non-issue and merely editorial flair. I get the impression that he would prefer to criticize him on the issues; that's how our system of debate is "supposed" to work.

Then again, you'd have to actually read something instead of listen to Rush Limbaugh in order to glean that from my post.


Well-Known Member
I had a conversation with my 84 year old grandfather the other day. His life experience is post Teddy Roosevelt(who would be ran out of town by modern Republicans). He said something along the lines of "I don't understand why any regular worker would vote for any Republican. I have never seen a single one do anything that helped the majority of worker's and most make the workers lives worse. They try to break the union's, they try to make wages less (he was talking about minimum wage), and they take away any help that anyone would need. There is nothing wrong with SS if they would stop messing with it. I paid on it for my entire life, the money is there if they quit taking the suplus and not paying it back. I just don't get how people can't see it." Now this was a paraphrase as I don't remember exact words obviously. I hesitated to post all of this (because i will be derided for it), but as I get older I have realized the old man generally knows what he is talking about in life and wish I had listened to him when I was younger. I wish a few of you on here would go find someone you trust that was alive late 30's into 40's saw the heyday of early 50's through early 70's and just ask them the differences between then and now.


I had a conversation with my 84 year old grandfather the other day. His life experience is post Teddy Roosevelt(who would be ran out of town by modern Republicans). He said something along the lines of "I don't understand why any regular worker would vote for any Republican. I have never seen a single one do anything that helped the majority of worker's and most make the workers lives worse. They try to break the union's, they try to make wages less (he was talking about minimum wage), and they take away any help that anyone would need. There is nothing wrong with SS if they would stop messing with it. I paid on it for my entire life, the money is there if they quit taking the suplus and not paying it back. I just don't get how people can't see it." Now this was a paraphrase as I don't remember exact words obviously. I hesitated to post all of this (because i will be derided for it), but as I get older I have realized the old man generally knows what he is talking about in life and wish I had listened to him when I was younger. I wish a few of you on here would go find someone you trust that was alive late 30's into 40's saw the heyday of early 50's through early 70's and just ask them the differences between then and now.

You're on the money here. Social Security would be completely solvent if Bush and his Haliburton cronies hadn't raided the fund to go hunt for make believe WMD's in the :censored2:ing desert.

But hey, let's imagine (for a moment) that it wasn't. Let's pretend that the people paying into SS wouldn't cover the expense of paying it out to retired folks who worked their entire lives. Take a look at the grossly over bloated military budget we have in this country. We spend trillions of dollars controlling and policing a global empire that makes the rest of the world absolutely despise us. Bombing Libya didn't "make us safer." Running the Taliban out of Afgahnistan may have arguably done so, but bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan (a US ally) almost the entire time and led to a resurgent global heroin trade and put US soldiers in the position of protecting child molesters. (Yes, this actually happened: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/w...-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html?_r=0)


Well-Known Member
Something to note. When my grandfather left the farm (literally) at 18 got married and started working in the "city", he started at $0.50/hr. When he retired in mid 1980's as a shipping clerk, he was making a little over $17.00 per hour. Today, as a supervisor over shipping clerks, I make $15.44 an hour in the same "city". And that is above avg. Reagon (Trickle-down), 2 Bush's (Trickle-down), Clinton(letting jobs go overseas), Obama(doing nothing to help wages or keep jobs in US) have worked so well for the average blue collar worker...We need someone to stop the Trickle-up.