Supreme Court to Trump: Hand Over Your Taxes!


Well-Known Member
FOX has always played what prominent Democrats have said critical of Trump, warts and all. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Nadler, AOC, many others. Promptly, right after it was said. They also play what commentators on CNN, MSNBC, and others say about Trump and Republicans. You see, you don't know that because you don't watch FOX, but FOX viewers are very informed about what the Left is saying. It's the best weapon against the Left.

But I digress. Why did you avoid talking about Biden bombing Syria? If we get into a war with Syria will Russia sit it out? Iran?
"It's the best WEAPON against the left" . That's FOX NEWS for you. Weaponizing it's viewers against what it perceives to be the an enemy of the nation. That being Democrats and Progressives. And they are preaching this nonsense to an audience made up of retirees getting by on Social Security and Medicare. Two programs introduced and passed by that very same political movement Fox News spends all day and all night demonizing.


Well-Known Member
"It's the best WEAPON against the left" . That's FOX NEWS for you. Weaponizing it's viewers against what it perceives to be the an enemy of the nation. That being Democrats and Progressives. And they are preaching this nonsense to an audience made up of retirees getting by on Social Security and Medicare. Two programs introduced and passed by that very same political movement Fox News spends all day and all night demonizing.
Yah, because Biden and company are doing nothing out of the ordinary that must be scrutinized and commented on. Equality Act? Bombing Syria? And who exactly is running the show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Doubtful Biden is even awake for much of the day. All FOX has to do is let the Left speak for itself.


Well-Known Member
Which part of "successfully rigged" are you having trouble with?

Thomas continued. “Changing the rules in the middle of the game is bad enough. Such rule changes by officials who may lack authority to do so is even worse. When those changes alter election results, they can severely damage the electoral system on which our self-governance so heavily depends.
"After all, the 2020 election is now over, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision was not outcome determinative for any federal election."

So again, slowly, PA's law changes did not affect the outcome.

Yes, Thomas has legitimate Constitutional concerns, for future elections, if they are closer. Unfortunately for you, Trump lost PA by over 80,000 votes. Get over it, and move on.


Well-Known Member
No worries here. Just amazed at the thirst to get something, anything, on Trump. By the way, are you excited that Biden is involving us in the Middle East again? It just occurred to me how little negative news we had out of there the last four years. That didn't last long.
So imposing crippling economic sanctions, assassinating generals, and providing arms to totalitarian regimes so they can dismember journalists and commit war crimes in Yemen are all good - as long as it's your man. Someone from the other party drops a few bombs - and it's an outrage. Breathtaking hypocrisy.

Bear in mind, were it up to me, I wouldn't want anything to do with any of them. But Jesus, at least be even-handed.


Well-Known Member
So imposing crippling economic sanctions, assassinating generals, and providing arms to totalitarian regimes so they can dismember journalists and commit war crimes in Yemen are all good - as long as it's your man. Someone from the other party drops a few bombs - and it's an outrage. Breathtaking hypocrisy.

Bear in mind, were it up to me, I wouldn't want anything to do with any of them. But Jesus, at least be even-handed.
Oh please. We were arming Saudi Arabia long before Trump. Assassinating the general who was instrumental in killing American troops in Iraq was a matter of warning others there's a terrible price to pay for attacking us. And Iran got crippling economic sanctions because it wasn't abiding by its deal with the Obama administration and was still the world's top state sponsor of terror. And you may not have noticed but the Trump administration got four Arab states to sign peace deals with Israel. Why? Because they all have a common enemy: Iran.


Inordinately Right
"After all, the 2020 election is now over, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s decision was not outcome determinative for any federal election."

So again, slowly, PA's law changes did not affect the outcome.
The decision was not "outcome determinative for any election" because they did not hear the case. You struggle with context and reading comprehension.