Some people kill me with predictions and what they think they know based on what happens on a local level. What happens on a local level and a national level are two seperate events. Looking at the regions will play a part in how this election will pan out. There were strong turn out numbers from the east and the midwest in the first week. These numbers can be significant for each candidate while the west coast numbers were flat and that can translate into swing votes. It is really hard to gauge who is going to win simply because of the derivatives that are in play. Split votes based on Gegare and Hoffa past relationship will determine alot. Did Pope base supporters vote and did she gain any of the Hoffa and Gegare supporters?
I have been on both the local level and national level, my friend. I can speak about the process because I have been a part of the process since 1991.
What you clearly dont understand is "TRENDING"... We create trending charts from every election at every level. If you want to win a teamster election, this information is critical.
Maybe you believe running around making promises to people who dont vote is the way to understand elections?
The key to winning is to understand where the votes come from, and what numbers are involved.
In the east, we will see what percentage of votes actually came in and by what percentage they voted for Pope and then compare that to Leedhams historical tallies.
That will tell if Popes message was heard or rejected. If she manages to get the same votes as Leedham, then shes toast in the future.
In order for Popes message to be a positive one, she would have to take 50% of the general vote, Gregare would have to take 2% and Hoffa left at 48%. This would show that the rank and file listened to her message and she swayed 5% from Hoffa supporters and THAT AINT GONNA HAPPEN.
In WLA district, there are 11 hubs. This is Hoffa country. So, lets say 10000 votes for Hoffa came from so cal alone, YOU and your hubs in your district who support POPE would have to match those 10000 votes just to be scratch.
Now, include Nor Cal and those numbers get higher that you have to match. It goes on from there in the west.
At any rate, we will see how the numbers play out. We can discuss the outcome afterwards.