My point is, I have a bit more experience in the conduction of local union officer elections than you have. I have served on election committees at locals other than my own. Obviously you have not witnessed the operation of a ballot count. It is a very transparent exercise with little chance of impropriety. I agree there is always a minute chance of cheating but your infered allegation that a pencil marked ballot (and I have never seen this occur) would be altered, fails even a rudimentary criminal mind. Your theory would require a pencil marked ballot to be erased completely (as any evidence left behind would void the ballot at the count), then remarked for another candidate. Ballots once marked are either possessed by the post office (mail in ballots) or under the supervision of an OES approved third party. The post office holds ballots until the election committee retrieves them with candidate observers present. In walk in elections, the Election Officer under the guidelines of the OES controls the process, again with candidate observers watching every step. At the count, all ballots are at all times under the supervision of candidate observers. How could a ballot be remarked in this scenario?Where did I state I or anyone was "instructed" to fill the ballot out with a pencil, and what makes you think if I asked for a pen would it make any difference if vote altering was the goal? All I stated was that a pencil was the only writing utensil supplied to fill out the ballots. And no I did not witness any vote changing, but the very fact that a pencil was the only offered writing utensil was certainly a sign that ballot altering was a real possibility. When I vote for President, Senator, or Mayor it is done on a paper ballot with a pen because, believe it or not, a pen is more permanent than a pencil. Whether you want to admit it or not the Teamsters have a history of severe corruption, and the way local official elections are held certainly doesn't lead me to believe the corruption has been eliminated.
May I also suggest before you go off using words like "hypocrisy" I suggest you understand the meaning of the word before using it. Nowhere in this discussion is hypocrisy a word that can be applied to either of us. I understand you want to sound intelligent, but using words when you obviously don't know the real meaning will only expose you for the fool that you are.
Unless you have witnessed an entire election process, you are making a judgemental supposition without a factual basis. Several posters on other threads have done the same concerning your prefered Presidential candidate. If you reread your responses to them, you may see why I chose my words correctly.
You are accurate that the IBT has had corruption in their past. Many respected companies have corruption in their past. The DOL requires unions to report every incident. Very little dirty laundry is required to be reported by companies.