IG Horiwitz Report Released


Inordinately Right
The wild card in all this might be Bolton. He mentioned the prospect of an increasingly unhinged president unilaterally withdrawing from NATO. Somebody certainly took it seriously because today the Senate passed a bipartisan resolution reminding Trump that he cannot withdraw from NATO with out congressional approval.
In addition he lamented about how Trump uses a business mindset and personal benefit potential when conducting foreign policy as evidenced by the way he sucks up to authoritarian dictatorships like to Putin, Erdogan, Saudi king's etc. if Trump wants to build hotels in that country and that country's dictator says he can then as sure as the sun comes up in the morning that hotel is going to be built there. There's only one building permit issued and we know who will issue it.
More nutjob Democrat conspiracy theories.


Well-Known Member
Steele dossier is real. I think we should start saying whatever we want on our side, since all your side does is lie and cover for Trump.

So, Steele dossier is real, true, and absolutely confirmed by Mike Pence, who was also there in the Russian hotel room taping it for his collection.
It must suck for you to claim something for so long then find out you were duped by MSNBC. It's ok, we'll get Trump for 4 more years and you can enjoy the nice economy.


Staff member
That hilarious...they're waiting for the Mueller report. The IG's report makes it very clear the Steele dossier is totally bogus. I remember when y'all were saying it was only one of the documents used to get the FISA warrants. It was THE only one, period. Hannity and friends had it right, and some people are looking at arrests soon.
Yes. Of course they are van.

40 and out

Well-Known Member
They’ll absolutely throw a :censored2: fit. And I’ll tell them they should’ve handled the effort to get Trump voted out like one does a blown out package car: methodically and with a level head. Not like they’re panicked seasonal drivers.
Fit of all fits. Many heads exploding. One can only hope. Would be glorious. And I don't even like Trump.


Bad Moon Risen'
I think this helps Trump. Republicans haven’t really had any say in this so far since it has been in the House. Once it hits the senate they’ll have an opportunity to control the visuals. They’ll be able to subpoena people and get some info. I suggest they start with Hunter Biden.
Why would any of these people respond to a subpoena with the precedent that has been set the past couple months?


Well-Known Member
Melania wouldn't touch him with a 10-foot pole. I seem to remember she was pregnant with Barron when Trump was doing Stormy Daniels, and probably others.

Women don't tend to forget or forgive that kind of stuff.

some do


Well-Known Member
Bolton talking would be a very good thing. Let's see if he comes forward after the book sales tail off.

when? The senate will review the evidence presented by Schifty . Boltons testimony is not in the packet. The Senate will follow the house plan and boot this with record speed.