Jesus dude. What time period are you living in? There are people in this country who can get a bank account or even take an uber because of political beliefs. The federal govt is locking up political dissidents as we speak.
If you believe male rapists should be in a women’s prison..then i would say thats absolutely insane but..ya know..we live in a free country…so
I haven’t heard of anyone not getting an Uber or a bank account because of their political beliefs. I could see it happening to a public figure, but your average Joe?
Now you’re correct the prosecution of political dissidents is going on to some extent. We saw that with Trump, the Jan 6th protesters, and various other hand selected public figures.
I don’t see this happening like it was talked about during covid. Which is the radical democrats dream of arresting all conservatives and placing them in re education camps.
The rapists will get what’s coming to them. Bet they get killed in that women’s prison pretty quickly, which is the best thing that could happen to a rapist, given the high rate of recidivism. Got to keep prison a place that people want to stay out of.