Once upon a time I was covering a rural route and the post office had closed
for the day(not early) Post lady just went home and closed shop, cause well
it was just that rural.
So I dropped(DR'd) a Gavalia Box in the big blue box.. I figured, better the
customer gets it than not... think again, the post lady was mad the next day.
But she got over it. Especially when I mentioned that she wasn't there when
she should have been open.(big NO-NO for her)
So no Mailboxes... not even the big blue ones...
Thats incorrect, We have company wide release policies to be able to DR those postal packages into the mailboxes at those sites if USPS is closed and the packages fit.
Post Masters have been told the same thing.
Otherwise feel free to hang packages from the boxes, or stick Infonotices on em.
as long as it doesn't interfere with the Mailman, you are good to go.