It's almost that time of year where UPS is so desperate for bodies they lower their standards from "If you can read, you're hired." to "Blind, deaf, dumb?

it, you're hired." And thus the doors open to a fresh new hell every day till New Years and we can't do a thing about it but re-sort trucks, hand out crayons, and try not to hate the color blue.
Until now....bash away my friends.
Annnnnd before you say anything about how this topic could be covered in the Official Preload/Peak Bashing forums, I feel like the new hires deserve their own thread simply because they are the innocent, bright eyed, hopeful, very dumb and very naive children of UPS and you know what they say, "kids say the darnedest things."
This happened today, which is what inspired this thread, and it's worth the read.
On my boxline, I had one hypeactive little turd grabbing

out of the other loaders bins for almost an hour before I caught him and the 20+ misloads, tells me it's cause hes colorblind.
Asked another sup to trade him with someone from their sort table, he brings me a 50ish year old woman barely clinging to life in her 'new hire' vest. "She's good." He says while looking at me DEAD in the eyes.
Grandma works for 10 minutes before I trade her back cause I was afraid she was gonna stroke out and haunt my boxline for all of eternity.
Stuck babysitting colorblind for a while before I felt confident that he was cured enough to check on the table real quick, turn my back for ONE SECOND and he had placed not one, not two, but five misloads including a package going to a different state and I just still can't explain how that happened.
End of the sort, i'm wrapping up my area when I hear a driver from the boxline behind me raising hell about something. Normally, I mind my business but it's been one of those days and I was curious, so I walked over and whoever loaded his truck did it backwards. Literally. 1000's in the 7000's, 2000's in the 8000's, numerical order reversed as well, 1999-1000-5999-5000, you get the idea. All 3 trucks a new hire loaded were the same, except at some point in the last one they must have realized their mistake and tried to fix it before being sent home so it was just a total mess.
Both of us stayed to help that driver reorganize his load and after he left, we discovered Grandma on the sort table, cleaning out trash in the bins waiting to be sent home so she could get ready for her second job.
Peak is either going to be amazing, or the worst year ever.