"Im-a-nut-job" is at it again...Sept. 11 is a big lie...



Great website Jones...thanks for the link.

Wait...i bet our goverment owns Popular Mechs and its more of a conspiracy....

I believe the Hearst Foundation owns popular mechanics. Gee, didn't a man by the name of Hearst practice certain questionable journalistic tactics by declaring that Spain blew up the Maine , a belief that caused many Americans "to remember the Maine" and put their support behind the Spanish-American War? Do you "Remember the Maine?" http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5471/


Well-Known Member
Now that's assuming you want to continue the grand conspiracy scheme of the "Communist Conspiracy!" Another laughable Obama fiction spun up by equally Statist power seekers!

Naysayer's have no clue the definitions of labels they mfg for the sake of striking fear in the ranks of their constituents. For example, if Obama were President in the eighties, he would of been labeled a Communist instead of a Socialist....

And to just ask the simple question, "can someone explain these discrepancies as they don't make sense" gets one labeled a conspiracy nut.

Only if someone's conspriacy theory fits you and your Party's agenda, then it's legit....The world is full of sheep.

Originally Posted by pickup
Gee, didn't a man by the name of Soros practice certain questionable journalistic tactics by declaring that Obama was best for America, a belief that caused many Americans "to vote for Obama" and put their support behind the Obama machine? Will they say..."Remember Obama?" http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5471/

Interesting how some things never change...

Sorry pickup I couldn't resist. :happy-very:

I think your given the American voter too much credit. Most average Joe's have no clue who Soros is. Besides, all that money he put up to defeat GW in 2004 all went for naught.


Well-Known Member
Which style do you prefer?

Got something in a more Americana look?

Yeah, that's the ticket!


Well-Known Member
So often it's suggested that it's the so-called right eg republicans, Bush lovers, neo-cons, etc. that object, block, condemn any discourse or questions (legit or otherwise) where it concerns 9/11. To be fair, even if one just asks how much was truly known on 9/10 and why the slow response as events unfolded especially if there were hints something like this could take place, the next thing you have are the Alex Jones' followers screaming Bilderbergers, the planes were black and shot missles before impacting the buildings and 9/11 was an inside job. Worse still IMO is to get in people's faces at ground zero with this stuff when more often than not, these folks at ground zero aren't there for the what and why but to pay respects to those who are no longer with us. Truth or not, baseball bat to teeth seems much in order. After that, any legit question just gets washed down a bottomless pit. Some even suggest Jones and his ilk are themselves a false flag operation and now we have conspiracy breeding more conspiracy. Talk about dogs chasing their tails!

But it's not just the right who stifle questions as is demostrated by the lastest quashing of debate this time by the Huffington Post. But then who can blame them as when you crack open the door just to take an honest peek, what comes rushing in just kills the whole thing. Just look at healthcare discussions where instead of having an open and honest discussion on all points and potentials, it just devolves down to one side making claims of death panels and charges of being communist and the otherside makes claims that denying healthcare and letting people die is the motive. Also in Huffington's defense, I've not seen Ventura's piece before it was deleted and maybe it was deserving of that fate because of poor or bad journalism. However, among the 2 groups that dominate political power in this country and control discourse, it is funny how they fight and tangle with one another until some radical, rebel type dares challenge the underlying premise of their power and all of a sudden they circle the wagons together and fight to the death as one. Amazing ain't it!

When true transparency is lacking and an unwillingness to honestly answer questions even when they might challenge the long held "WRONG" belief that our elected leaders (especially the ones I voted for) that they never do any wrong or make even an honest mistake, when there is a lack to question possible conflicts of motive, then yes, aliens caused 9/11 will sadly become the focus instead of honest questions!

And I still say, the events leading up to the evening of 9/10 at this point in the debate (days, weeks, months and even years) are vastly more important that what happened on the morning of 9/11 in understanding the whole thing. There is only one single absolute truth concerning 9/11 and right now nobody is trusting anybody else as having that. And what in that does it say about our so-called civilized, good, honest, moral world?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I think your given the American voter too much credit. Most average Joe's have no clue who Soros is. Besides, all that money he put up to defeat GW in 2004 all went for naught.

They were manipulated by Soros through the Hope and Change media mania.

Thus the American voter was influenced by these actions! They certainly didn't need to know who George Soros was to have been manipulated by his $$$$$, persuading them through the media hype of the empty promises of Hope & Change!:peaceful: