I'm Convinced, Climate Change Is Real...ON PLANET NEPTUNE!


Strength through joy
One single year on Neptune is more than 60,000 Earth-days-long.
On this planet, they don't have the saying " if you don't like the weather, wait 15 minutes ".


Staff member
They must have humans there causing climate change because all climate change is man made.
I don’t think anyone has ever claimed that. Sure would be convenient for you if you had.

It’s like a tobacco company executive saying, “Grandma Ellie smoked Pall Malls for 85 years! Died as healthy as a horse!”

Should we then conclude that smoking really isn’t detrimental to one’s health?

The “science be damned” attitude of your party really is astounding. Do you guys really think you’re smarter than everybody else? Are you waiting for everyone else to get “woke”?

SMH. Just silly.


Inordinately Right
They must have humans there causing climate change because all climate change is man made.
I don’t think anyone has ever claimed that. Sure would be convenient for you if you had.
However, the science on the human contribution to modern warming is quite clear. Humans emissions and activities have caused around 100% of the warming observed since 1950, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) fifth assessment report.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I don’t think anyone has ever claimed that. Sure would be convenient for you if you had.

It’s like a tobacco company executive saying, “Grandma Ellie smoked Pall Malls for 85 years! Died as healthy as a horse!”

Should we then conclude that smoking really isn’t detrimental to one’s health?

The “science be damned” attitude of your party really is astounding. Do you guys really think you’re smarter than everybody else? Are you waiting for everyone else to get “woke”?

SMH. Just silly.
Not silly at all. The earth heats, the earth cools. That's what it does.

We have a whole religion currently underway that is so-called man made "climate change". (Formally Global Cooling, then Global Warming) Banning the use of fossil fuels is their holy cause.



nowhere special
Not silly at all. The earth heats, the earth cools. That's what it does.

We have a whole religion currently underway that is so-called man made "climate change". (Formally Global Cooling, then Global Warming) Banning the use of fossil fuels is their holy cause.

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Absolutely no proof humans are causing global heating (or cooling). The data shows temps rising and falling in typical patterns but correlation is not causation.

It is about more government control over peoples lives and forcing socialism on all.


Staff member
However, the science on the human contribution to modern warming is quite clear. Humans emissions and activities have caused around 100% of the warming observed since 1950, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) fifth assessment report.
The article is making my point. Thanks. It breaks down the contributing factors to climate change scientifically. So scientifically that it would explain why humans aren’t necessary on a planet, let’s say …NEPTUNE FOR EXAMPLE, for climate change to occur.

And judging by the small percentage of temperature change on Neptune compared to on Earth, it would further lend credibility to the theory that human caused climate change is a real concern.


Staff member
Not silly at all. The earth heats, the earth cools. That's what it does.

We have a whole religion currently underway that is so-called man made "climate change". (Formally Global Cooling, then Global Warming) Banning the use of fossil fuels is their holy cause.

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DIDO’s article says differently. It’s obvious that the Earth climate is changing. The graph shows that since the industrial revolution it’s been doing so at a faster rate. And why wouldn’t it? We know how chemical reactions work. We know how internal combustion engines work. We know what comes out of tailpipes and smoke stacks and we can quantify how much of everything in every reaction. That’s science.

Now what we do with what science says is another issue. Quite frankly, I don’t care. I don’t live on the coasts so if Florida and California are gone in 50 years…ok. If the Midwest has 60 degree lows through the winter months, well All the better.

But why claim it isn’t happening in the face of scientific fact?


Staff member
And there’s the answer. You have to deny the science to make a political statement.

But we all know that fossil fuels will still be needed for electric vehicles etc. Whether powered by natural gas, coal, diesel, etc. fossil fuels aren’t going anywhere. So why the animosity?

I like electric vehicles for the performance. And I’ve seen people on here complain about battery range and reliability. And I agree. But to think that today’s batteries will be the same in 20 years is crazy. And the more invested by automotive companies just makes that reality more certain.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
View attachment 380692View attachment 380692And there’s the answer. You have to deny the science to make a political statement.

But we all know that fossil fuels will still be needed for electric vehicles etc. Whether powered by natural gas, coal, diesel, etc. fossil fuels aren’t going anywhere. So why the animosity?

I like electric vehicles for the performance. And I’ve seen people on here complain about battery range and reliability. And I agree. But to think that today’s batteries will be the same in 20 years is crazy. And the more invested by automotive companies just makes that reality more certain.
Who's science? The so called experts that were cooking the books? The one's that said the earth would be a frozen block of ice? The one's that said we would all melt by 2020?

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I'm a star
Not silly at all. The earth heats, the earth cools. That's what it does.

We have a whole religion currently underway that is so-called man made "climate change". (Formally Global Cooling, then Global Warming) Banning the use of fossil fuels is their holy cause.

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No, their goal is massive human depopulation.

Who's science? The so called experts that were cooking the books? The one's that said the earth would be a frozen block of ice? The one's that said we would all melt by 2020?

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Pay attention to the ozone hole headline. "Science" "proved" it was cfc's "destroying" the ozone layer. Yet, after banning cfc's the hole in the ozone layer has continued to expand and contract in its regular, natural cycles since. Lol, the "science" is settled.