Well-Known Member
Subject: Immigration
It is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government"
-- Thomas Paine
Interesting that you quote Thomas Paine and his point is most excellent. Nice job quoting him. Here are some more Paine writtings you might find worthwhile and filled with more quotable material you could use in later posts. I'm a huge fan of Paine myself!
As for immigration, I understand if something takes more than a couple of minutes, you're not interested and unfortunately what I'm about to suggest to understand a real root cause in mass immigration from the south will take more than a few minutes.
I think all 3 of these may be required to connect the dots so sorry if it takes away from your Bobby Darren one on one time. First, the free-bees, go to goggle video and type in "The World According to Monsanto" and then take a read of this but the last one will take a bit more effort. Watch the movie Food Inc. About half way through this film, there is a segment on so-called illegal aliens working in the food processing bidness.
In the 1970's and 1980' the family farms and the communities built around them were corporatized in this country. Now part of that on my part is some first hand experience as my father worked and retired from the agri-monsters of Cargill, Central Soya, Con-Agra so I have some direct firsthand knowledge of how corp. farms do work. As farmers by hook or crook were driven off the farms in the 70's and 80's, they migrated to where the work was. It's funny how no one discusses the effects of unemployment numbers during that period when a whole industry was transformed and "DOWNSIZED" overnight and these people migrated from the rural areas into the cities placing more stress on a burdened job market.
Now if those same corporations having depleted the domestic farm market in the way of aquisition now move south and start doing the same, are there viable job markets in the cities south of the border as these small farmers displaced or driven from bidness? Has the same agri-corporations who hold almost monopoly control (see Food Inc.) of the food processing operations in this country found a ready source of very cheap labor?
I'm not wild about the so-called illegal immigration problems either but you don't defeat cancer by taking an asprin for the headache that is nothing more than a symtom of the cancer. Yelling and shaking your fist at the sky because it doesn't rain won't change the fact that you choose to continue to live in the middle of an arid desert!
As Thoreau said, "There are a 1000 hacking at the branches of evil to the one who is striking at the root!"
It's past time to start striking at the root if you really wanna solve the core cause behind so-called illegal immigration.