

Well-Known Member
Misquoting the Bible now? Deflection and has nothing to do with any immigration laws the Puritans supposedly broke (as you claimed).

Of course they didn't break any 'immigration laws', as there were none around at the time.

Don't be foolish.

Which part of 'Thou shalt not kill' is misquoting the Bible?

That part of The Ten Commandments is a compulsion against 'unlawful' killing.

Sooo, what is 'lawful' killing?

Matters of war, self-defense, and state-sponsored capital punishment.

Under which part of the exceptions for 'unlawful' killing did the wholesale murder of a native populace fall under?


Inordinately Right
Of course they didn't break any 'immigration laws', as there were none around at the time.

Don't be foolish.

Which part of 'Thou shalt not kill' is misquoting the Bible?

That part of The Ten Commandments is a compulsion against 'unlawful' killing.

Sooo, what is 'lawful' killing?

Matters of war, self-defense, and state-sponsored capital punishment.

Under which part of the exceptions for 'unlawful' killing did the wholesale murder of a native populace fall under?
I'd say the wholesale murder of a native populace in America would most likely fall under the books of Deuteronomy and Joshua, where God's will was to commit genocide against the Canaanites- men, women and children, with land as the spoils of their holy war. The bible is full of these wonderful contradictions.... Thou shall not kill, unless it benefits the chosen ones.
Using religion to justify atrocities is classic history repeating itself. Just call it manifest destiny and wash your hands of the consequences.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
History has now confirmed that the native American people were themselves descendants of earlier immigrants .
There are structures through out the USA which to date no one can truly identify who the builders were . The natives who the pilgrims meet had a primitive culture and were not capable of building these structures .


Strength through joy
Public university hosts special graduation party for illegal immigrants

Undocumented students graduating from San Francisco State University (SFSU) received an extra treat this week—a special celebration at the university in their honor.

Hosted by the student organization Improving Dreams, Equity, Access and Success (IDEAS), 25 students who are residing in the country illegally gathered on campus for the public university’s first annual Beyond Borders Graduation. According to the Golden Gate Express, SFSU’s student newspaper, around 300 friends and family members also attended the ceremony.
SFSU’s official commencement ceremony isn’t until May 22, but Nancy Jodaitis, advisor to IDEAS, said the special ceremony on May 17 was more “intimate.”
“It’s more intimate, so people tell their personal stories,” Jodaitis told the Golden Gate Express. “The stories are all different, but the challenges and struggles are very similar and this is a safe space for them to share.”

According to the student newspaper, the ceremony was held at the Annex, an on-campus facility.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Does anyone recall when the US citizens voted to allow for this influx of immigrants ?

YES, I can answer that question.

The US Citizens VOTED to increase immigrants everytime they elect the republicans to control the house and senate.

In doing so, the republicans have INCREASED guest worker bills allowing thousands and thousands of immigrants to enter the country and then become illegal.

The problem compounds itself out of bad policy, but then, the republicans cry about immigration even though they know they caused it directly.

Even today, the republicans continue to pass bills allowing more and more Guest Worker bills as if we didnt have a big enough problem already.

The difference today, is that unlike unskilled low wage workers, now they want to import HIGH SKILLED, HIGH TECH workers to enter the country.

At the end of the day, ITS YOU BABA, and the rest of these right wing loonies on this board that VOTES to increase immigrants.

H1b, H1C, H2a are codes for guest workers.

You did this baba. Dont like it?

Vote democratic and allow the congress to reverse those bills that caused this in the first place. The dems have tried to pass amendments to these GOP bills to limit or reduce visas and your buddies in congress continue to shoot them down.

You would know that if you were an informed american, but youre not.

You watch fox news.



Strength through joy
TOS , thank you for that info on legal immigration .
My question was about refugees , DACA & DAPA . Those pesky E.O. that obama signed .
Instead of shipping refugees half way across the globe , wouldn't be better to settle them near where they used to live .
While DACA & DAPA reward known immigration law breakers with the ability for permanent residence , while others who apply legally are denied .
Is this the country you want ?
Full of known criminals . Honestly .
I know that DACA & DAPA were frozen by a federal judge , but some seem to be continuing on with hope that the orders will be overturned .

A clinic held yesterday by the Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians at Mario Umana Academy in East Boston saw hundreds of undocumented immigrants come for information and an informal screening process.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS , thank you for that info on legal immigration .
My question was about refugees , DACA & DAPA . Those pesky E.O. that obama signed .
Instead of shipping refugees half way across the globe , wouldn't be better to settle them near where they used to live .
While DACA & DAPA reward known immigration law breakers with the ability for permanent residence , while others who apply legally are denied .
Is this the country you want ?
Full of known criminals . Honestly .
I know that DACA & DAPA were frozen by a federal judge , but some seem to be continuing on with hope that the orders will be overturned .

A clinic held yesterday by the Mayor’s Office of New Bostonians at Mario Umana Academy in East Boston saw hundreds of undocumented immigrants come for information and an informal screening process.

I laugh at your concern.. You are worried about 1% of the immigration problem, and 99% of the remaining immigration problem you ignore.

Immigration is only a talking point for the republican party and people like you.

If you were truly concerned about illegals flooding this country, you would support democratic bills in congress to repeal GOP bills or democratic amendments to drastically reduce the number of guest workers brought into this country by the GOP.

On one hand, people like you, bitch about illegals driving on our roads drunk and killing people, you bitch about them taking jobs, you bitch about them causing crimes, but you say nothing about how they get into this country through an invitation by the right wing of this country.

You cant have it both ways.

If you want to be concerned about immigration, then be concerned about the realities of immigration and not just the talking points of the day carefully crafted to confuse you and make you sound ignorant to the subject.



Strength through joy
Now if obama would let ICE do their job properly , no families would need to be broken up just deport the entire family together .
Round up ever person who has overstayed their visas and directly put them on a flight home . These illegals are easy to find and quick deportations are the key to stop more from coming here . As for the refugees place them in areas similar to their home country's climate . The US Gov't hold title to quite a bit of this country's land . I'm sure suitable lands could be found . Keep them away from the decaying cities and demand that they provide for themselves .


golden ticket member
Now if obama would let ICE do their job properly , no families would need to be broken up just deport the entire family together .
Round up ever person who has overstayed their visas and directly put them on a flight home . These illegals are easy to find and quick deportations are the key to stop more from coming here . As for the refugees place them in areas similar to their home country's climate . The US Gov't hold title to quite a bit of this country's land . I'm sure suitable lands could be found . Keep them away from the decaying cities and demand that they provide for themselves .
deport the entire family.........yes!!! Togetherness!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Now if obama would let ICE do their job properly , no families would need to be broken up just deport the entire family together .
Round up ever person who has overstayed their visas and directly put them on a flight home . These illegals are easy to find and quick deportations are the key to stop more from coming here . As for the refugees place them in areas similar to their home country's climate . The US Gov't hold title to quite a bit of this country's land . I'm sure suitable lands could be found . Keep them away from the decaying cities and demand that they provide for themselves .

Again, you want to deal with the result and not the problem.

What do you think happens to a guest worker once they enter the country??

Depending on classification, the republicans have passed laws that allow some to bring their families across the border after 12 months or so. Once they are here, they get entitlements.

You may not like it, but dont hate the players, hate the game. You voted for those men in congress and the senate who make these stupid laws that create an influx of immigrants.

A typical guest worker comes into the United States, and they are human beings like the rest of us.

First, they have to move around the country, what did you think they were going to do, walk? Take a bus? (without an id) FLY? (without an id) They end up buying old beat up cars and drive them without a license and insurance. Then, they drink alcohol during off time, and some end up driving drunk and getting into accidents. Sometimes, US citizens are killed. Whos fault is this??

The GOP.

Second, once they are here, like the rest of us, they get into relationships. Sometimes they meet american citizens and since they are God fearing catholics, they dont use protections, and BOOM, you have children born to an american and alien. You would have us believe that we should just deport the WHOLE FAMILY instead of breaking up a family. But who is responsible for this scenario playing out in the first place??


Guest workers have to live somewhere, they have to live like normal people in this country. They dont live in barracks at the place of employment, so there is no controls over these people. They are FREE to roam the country and do what they like until the point where they disappear into the USA never to be found again. Whos fault is this??


Once guest workers start making families and having children, those children are american, whether both parents are illegal or not. Hispanics for example have multiple children, and in doing so, the american taxpayer is stuck paying the bill, just because some employer lobbied the GOP to pass laws that allowed them to enter in the first place. Whos fault is this??


The right wing of this country has done all of this damage going back to Ronald Reagan, and every republican president and every republican controlled congress and senate has made it worse.

You are seeing the end result of bad policy by one political party when they have the majority.

What you think you see, is a democratic problem, because the democrats understand how they got here, and understand how they are a protected class of people once in this country.

YOU only want to deal in the hyperbolic rhetoric of immigration and not the problem itself.

If YOU were truly concerned, you would demand that ALL OF THE GUEST WORKER BILLS be killed or repealed. YOU would demand that the american companies who lobby for guest workers hire american workers and pay them accordingly. If YOU were truly bothered by immigration, YOU would vote differently and STOP putting people into congress who do things that dont fit your concerns.

But at the end of the day, you WONT do anything differently.

You will continue to support the party who causes the problem, and you will continue to have to pay for it, so why complain?



Strength through joy
So if this is totally the GOP's fault , then why didn't obama with his super majority of democrats in both houses fix this problem ?