You are missing the point. The issue isn't whether or not some illegals are good people. The issue is the fact that many of them are not.
There are literally MILLIONS of hard working , honesty, integrity filled hispanics and other races that have come here and tried to live a good life, despite coming here through opportunities that have been OPEN FOR DECADES.
To try and "ASS-ociate every migrant group with gangs is just stupid talk. More of the same ignorance that TRUMP is espousing.
There are more likely 10 to 1 hard working immigrants to gang members. Yes, you and your children most likely buy drugs from some minority group, this may be true, but that is not indicative of the rest of the immigrant community at large.
Trumps statements are aimed at people like YOU, Weak and closed minded to the facts.
Its easy to pick a migrant group, lump them all together and call them EVIL. That doesnt take brains, maybe shuit for brains, but certainly not brains.
Trump is a distraction, a circus act worthly of the center ring for the moment. In the three ring circus that is the GOP, Trump is center stage drawing out all the ignorant white americans with his bashing of an entire race of people and a country at large.
Today, his disgusting use of " I LOVE THE MEXICAN PEOPLE" is another display of ignorance.
Much like you people on this board, who one by one has come on to tell us "i have a black friend", or "my black neighbor watches my kid", this is the kind of pandering that is undeserving of respect.
Trump is the lead clown for the moment.
Instead of supporting him, you should really be worried what he is doing to your partys chances of winning the White House.
Rather than encouraging him to continue, you should be thinking outside the box and finding a way to get him out of the way or else the floor will be mopped with the GOP in 2016.