Or at Mother Nature...Not nice to laugh at Babbaganja.
Or at Mother Nature...Not nice to laugh at Babbaganja.
Welcome to capitalism. If you don't like it, you can get out!The U.S. lets about a million or so in legally every year. It's any nation's sovereign right and obligation to control it's borders for the safety and security of it's citizens. Even the biggest ships can be swamped if they carry too much weight. Do you think it's fair that American workers with mortgages and car payments, etc are squeezed out by workers willing to work for much less? It's assumed that those workers are up here for a better life, etc. Many come up here with the strategy to live as cheaply as possible, often sharing expenses with many others, and sending money home to build homes and businesses. And hurting our workers in the meantime.
Don't you have a scapegoat you should be worrying about right now?Or at Mother Nature...
The American worker wouldn't be harmed if the undocumented weren't there competing.That's capitalism for you. The undocumented are not the ones hurting the American worker, American business owners are though. And anyone who hires the cheapest labor they can for that matter.
Such as?Don't you have a scapegoat you should be worrying about right now?
I prefer you spell out the silliness.Lulz.
Immigrants, freaking genius.
Here's a news flash, they wouldn't be if they weren't hired.The American worker wouldn't be harmed if the undocumented weren't there competing.
Ok I'll give it a shot. You scapegoat immigrants to avoid talking about how you vote for people who sell you out andI prefer you spell out the silliness.
And that's why in the other thread I said go after the businessmen who hire them too. It's obvious that the border problem has never been corrected because the gov't and business are colluding for their own agendas. No one seems to care about the working class and pointing this out somehow makes me a bigot. Poor Blacks are affected more than any other group. American Hispanics are also disproportionately affected. We do have millions of illegal aliens here doing work that Americans won't. Leave them alone. But we also have criminal aliens here that need to go. We have social services strained to the max in border states. We have drugs being carried over. Shut down the border and get rid of the criminals. If that makes me a racist then I'll go buy a Southern flag. This whole argument isn't about doing the practical thing. It's about some holding on to liberal ideology to the bitter end in spite of common sense.Here's a news flash, they wouldn't be if they weren't hired.
There's no point discussing anything with you because you like to label and belittle anyone with a different opinion.Ok I'll give it a shot. You scapegoat immigrants to avoid talking about how you vote for people who sell you out andyou up the ass. It's spelled S-U-C-K-E-R, sometimes shortened to (R) or (D).
A hundred foot wall won't stop the flow of people and drugs. The demand for both is so high that they will find a way to get across. The only true way to stem the flow is reducing demand.And that's why in the other thread I said go after the businessmen who hire them too. It's obvious that the border problem has never been corrected because the gov't and business are colluding for their own agendas. No one seems to care about the working class and pointing this out somehow makes me a bigot. Poor Blacks are affected more than any other group. American Hispanics are also disproportionately affected. We do have millions of illegal aliens here doing work that Americans won't. Leave them alone. But we also have criminal aliens here that need to go. We have social services strained to the max in border states. We have drugs being carried over. Shut down the border and get rid of the criminals. If that makes me a racist then I'll go buy a Southern flag. This whole argument isn't about doing the practical thing. It's about some holding on to liberal ideology to the bitter end in spite of common sense.
You are aware that we'll have Border Patrol backing the wall up, right? I lived on the border. I worked with a woman who's husband was out in the night trying to find illegals in the brush. I was living there when Border Patrolmen were shot and killed. It's not a game. The wall won't stop all of them, but it'll stop most. I think what's really being said is you don't want anything impeding the flow of illegals and drugs.A hundred foot wall won't stop the flow of people and drugs. The demand for both is so high that they will find a way to get across. The only true way to stem the flow is reducing demand.
That's rich coming from someone who blames the "liberals" for everything. Whatever the friend that means.There's no point discussing anything with you because you like to label and belittle anyone with a different opinion.
There's an easy way to stop the flow of illegal drugs, and immigrants for that matter, but for some reason people like you refuse to see the obvious solution that's right in front of your face.You are aware that we'll have Border Patrol backing the wall up, right? I lived on the border. I worked with a woman who's husband was out in the night trying to find illegals in the brush. I was living there when Border Patrolmen were shot and killed. It's not a game. The wall won't stop all of them, but it'll stop most. I think what's really being said is you don't want anything impeding the flow of illegals and drugs.
I just posted that the problem was collusion between both liberal politicians and conservative businessmen. But yeah, much of the problems in today's America stems from liberal pie-in-the-sky programs that often don't work and run up the national debt. Throw in unnecessary wars too and don't just point at conservatives on that one. $20 trillion in debt says I'm right.That's rich coming from someone who blames the "liberals" for everything. Whatever the friend that means.
I'm all for easy solutions. Spell it out.There's an easy way to stop the flow of illegal drugs, and immigrants for that matter, but for some reason people like you refuse to see the obvious solution that's right in front of your face.
Make it legal, it's not rocket science. It should be easier to immigrate here, not harder. A wall has got to be the dumbest big government jobs program I've ever heard of, and idiot voters ate it up .I'm all for easy solutions. Spell it out.
Who's pointing at conservatives? I'm pointing at republicans and democrats. Not conservatives.Throw in unnecessary wars too and don't just point at conservatives on that one. $20 trillion in debt says I'm right.
Right, working class Americans not only have no control over jobs being shipped overseas, but they have no control over millions coming in that compete for available jobs, driving wages down in an expensive country. So they vote for someone who says he'll help them, and are considered idiots and racists for doing so. We have a legal immigration system in place. Your solution would flood us with desperately poor people looking for jobs that aren't there for most of them, and would destroy an already strained social services sector. And continue to run up the debt to unsustainable levels.Make it legal, it's not rocket science. It should be easier to immigrate here, not harder. A wall has got to be the dumbest big government jobs program I've ever heard of, and idiot voters ate it up .
They're both great for the economy, the only people who are interested in stopping them are people who need someone or something to blame for all their problems.