

Well-Known Member
You are aware that we'll have Border Patrol backing the wall up, right? I lived on the border. I worked with a woman who's husband was out in the night trying to find illegals in the brush. I was living there when Border Patrolmen were shot and killed. It's not a game. The wall won't stop all of them, but it'll stop most. I think what's really being said is you don't want anything impeding the flow of illegals and drugs.
It's a waste of $ and resources. Use that $ on education, providing opportunities for the poor, drug abuse treatment and prevention programs along with enforcement of laws regarding hiring of undocumented workers. Then you will see a dramatic reduction of people and drugs crossing the border.


Inordinately Right
Right, working class Americans not only have no control over jobs being shipped overseas, but they have no control over millions coming in that compete for available jobs, driving wages down in an expensive country.
You're wrong about immigrants driving wages down, 2 seconds of research will show you that. Stick to your day job as Fred's bitch, you're no economist.
So they vote for someone who says he'll help them, and are considered idiots and racists for doing so. We have a legal system in place.
If you do the same thing over and over expecting different results....
Your solution would flood us with desperately poor people looking for jobs that aren't there for most of them, and would destroy an already strained social services sector. And continue to run up the debt to unsustainable levels.
I'm against entitlements. I'm capable of separating those socialist policies from the immigration discussion, are you?


Well-Known Member
You're wrong about immigrants driving wages down, 2 seconds of research will show you that. Stick to your day job as Fred's bitch, you're no economist.

If you do the same thing over and over expecting different results....

I'm against entitlements. I'm capable of separating those socialist policies from the immigration discussion, are you?
It all goes hand in hand. Tell your wage theory to $20hr construction workers being for forced out in favor of of $12hr illegals. That Swift plant I mentioned was paying $8.50hr with no benefits until tipped off by ICE. Offered $12.50hr and decent benefits to quickly get in locals to replace workers they knew were about to be taken away. Don't tell me it doesn't drive down wages.


Inordinately Right
That Swift plant I mentioned was paying $8.50hr with no benefits until tipped off by ICE. Offered $12.50hr and decent benefits to quickly get in locals to replace workers they knew were about to be taken away. Don't tell me it doesn't drive down wages.
That's called an anecdotal fallacy.
Like I said, stick to your day job.


Well-Known Member
A none of the above option is my vote.


I'd very much like to see that option on the ballot and those votes tallied and displayed as such. I also think the reason it isn't an option is obvious.

I asked a local election official several years ago if a voter turned in a blank ballot or did not choose any candidate in a specific race, was that non choice tabulated as a data category somewhere. The official told me no such data is maintain on voters who choose no candidate in a race or who turn in a blank ballot. It will show the voter in the totals of voter turnout but nothing else. Only actual votes for a candidate is tabulated and data maintained. In a humorous note looking back, the official, laughing as she said it, even went so far as to comment that if all you are going to do is turn in a blank ballot, you'd be better off staying home, saving the time and gas and getting counting as a non voter. The irony that they do tabulate and estimate that number.


Well-Known Member
"Conservatives" isn't a party, but Republicans are generally considered conservative. As Democrats are considered liberal



Well-Known Member
You think you know me. Waiting for my dog to pass away then moving to Southeastern Europe. My grandfather was 3/4th's Cherokee, my grandmother half. I lived in 3 places on the Mexican border with FedEx. Lived briefly in Mexico. And have been a student of history since I was a kid. The U.S. has serious systemic issues, and I'm not going to stick around to deal with the constant high pitched vitriol. Life is too short. I've made a few points here, y'all know how I see things. Not much point in going further. Vaya con dios amigos y amigas!
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Well-Known Member
You think you know me. Waiting for my dog to pass away then moving to Southeastern Europe. My grandfather was 3/4th's Cherokee, my grandmother half. I lived in 3 places on the Mexican border with FedEx. Lived briefly in Mexico. And have been a student of history since I was a kid. The U.S. has serious systemic issues, and I'm not going to stick around to deal with the constant high pitched vitriol. Life is too short. I've made a few points here, y'all know how I see things. Not much point in going further. Vaya con dios amigo y amigas!
Given your cultural background and choices to live, I'd say you are one very conflicted person when it comes to your political beliefs.