Overpaid Union Thug
Well-Known Member
Amen to that one. Our hub is in a neighborhood that's hardly Beverly Hills but there are a few nice streets with some decent little homes. One original homeowner I know moved out; the latest trend is that the illegals move twenty people into a house, ten more sleep in the storage shed and fifteen more are in sleeping bags all over the back yard, Holy Cow, Man! And nobody does anything about it! Yes, they may all be employed but this is over the top!
It is rediculous. Even though the end result is the area in questin being turned into a third world country, as well as creating a fire hazard, I'm still impressed with their initiative. They do what ever it takes to save money. It sucks that they have to break the law in order to come here and make a living. My wish is that they would be aloud to stay as long as they haven't commited crimes other than entering illegaly. If they were to have the chance to stop living in the shadows they wouldn't have to turn the areas they live in into third world countrys. If I were in control, and I admit it is just wishful thinking, I'd have all of them turn themselves in and weed out the honest workers from the trouble makers and legalize them. Any Americans that are on unemployment benefits and other govt. benefits would be offered one last chance to get off the govt. dollar and then deported.....to Mexico. LOL