

Well-Known Member
He was fun to disagree with---just like you
me and TOS may have something in common but we are also different.

hes an establishment clinton democrat...apparently the obamas and clintons are screwing him over enough for him to figure out they are not his friends.


Well-Known Member
yea i asked my mom about that corrupt US border guard who used to rent from us and she said we were flagged as well for a while.


Well-Known Member
That’s why you can’t get in. He must have red-flagged you as a communist in the system. Lol.
we had that corrupt border patrol as a tenant 15 years ago or something.

and dont worry op needs, border patrol isnt corrupt and doesnt abuse their powers, neither do politicians, neither does your boss UPS. everything is perfect.

im gonna wait till they finish my DHS redress, and then if it doesnt clear things up im doing FOIA with cpb which is what they sent me.


golden ticket member
Do you think there's an immigration problem in the animal kingdom???